Large Scale Central

new white pass diesels

In case interested

Hmm, curious to see it, could they have chanced to revive Rock Island’s “Rocket Freight” livery?

This is to be the last of the locomotives painted in the railroad’s traditional green-and-yellow paint scheme; the rest are scheduled to be delivered in a new black-and-red design.

My understanding is the newer colors will mirtor those used on the Csrnival cruise ships.

And a few of the Alcos are going to the Durango and Silverton. That will give them big motive power to run when fire danger is high, so trains can keep running. More Alcos that one can go see without going to Alaska to see these narrow gauge 6 axle beasts.

I do find myself wondering…perhaps these locomotive purchases are an indicator the ‘White Pass and Yukon’ will fully reopen? As in all the way to Whitehorse? And maybe beyond, a bit - seem to recollect a mine or three near Whitehorse…

I seriously doubt going much beyound the border. They laid new ballon track and the line to white horse all but abandoned.

Right now Canadian authorities are not allowing cruise ships to dock. Since all Carnival ships are foreign flagged tje Jones Act prevents sailing from Seattle to Skagway without a stop at a Canadian port.

Basically they just wanted much longer trains to pack more people on with less locomotives with reduced maintenance costs. The GEs while overhauled with new engines are still getting old.

TheSilverton has bought four of the Alcos two left AK already. The pandemic has held up shipping the other two.

It will be interesting to see what the Silverton will repaint the units, I think Grande gold scheme nice but the might have to get permission perhaps.

Still scheduled themselves to get a couple of new diesels.

Expect to see more diesel hauled Silverton trains.

Hey but they are Alcos yes I am an Alcohaulic

“Hey but they are Alcos yes I am an Alcohaulic”


Your closing line made me chuckle. I am a bit of an ALCOhaulic as well, since my favorite little live steamer is based on an ALCO WWI era 60cm gauge trench locomotive. Ironically, they were built by ALCO for the British War Department, so even my model has the controls on the LEFT hand side of the cab. US forces had similar locomotives, although they were built by Baldwin.

My locomotive is neither British nor US of A, it exists in Middle Earth (Fourth Age) and the nameplate reads “Gandalf.”

Best Wishes, David Meashey