Large Scale Central

New vs. Used

Dick Friedman said:

Excuse me for answering the question asked, and not all the answers to questions not asked. The BEST place to find a good price on track is your local Garden Railroad Club. Ours has been selling used code 332 brass rail for $2/foot as is.

It goes fast that way. In fact, I just sold over 170 feet to the Portland Rose Garden RR Society.

I’ve also got about 100 feet of code 332 aluminum rails (no ties), that I could part with for $1.50 per foot plus shipping.

Showing how smart we are is not the same as answering a simple question.

Sorry, back to your games.

Oh, gosh, Dick, thanks for digging up a nearly two month dead thread, just to spank us for drifting a bit.

If you had followed the thread, you would have realized that it was the original poster, Mark Demyan who first drifted the thread onto battery power. So, the questions were asked, by the OP, and you have yet to answer them. Care to take a shot? Or, do you want to play some more games?

Steve, you are sounding like me ha ha!

I dislike seeing old threads resurrected when the only purpose must be post count or polishing one’s one halo… it’s worse when he chastizes everyone for not answering the OP’s question, but HE has the answer…

And Dick, on May 25th, the OP indicated he ALREADY bought all the track needed:

"The jump has been made!

I was at H&R Trains in Pinellas Park, FL yesterday and I made some decisions and some purchases.

I decided to go with brass track using track power and DCC.
I bought enough 10’ flex track to do the whole layout to minimize the number joints and to be able to navigate around the landscaping better."

While beating your chest that you are the savior who implies that he read the thread and the OP’s question was not answered, apparently you missed that it was! The track was purchased a month ago.


Sorry guys. Just to be clear, am I being beat up because I answered the question he asked, or because I did not wade through a bunch of increasingly off-topic statements?

Perhaps I should have said “IMHO, a very good place to get used rail is from your local garden railway society, if you have one.”

Mea maxima culpa.

Dick, you are being beat up because you didn’t read the thread, then took it upon yourself to chastise us for allowing the thread to drift.

Dick wrote:

"Excuse me for answering the question asked, and not all the answers to questions not asked… Showing how smart we are is not the same as answering a simple question.

Sorry, back to your games."

Oh, and the threads were on topic, because the OP had asked another question, about battery power. Still feel smart?

deleted.  double post.

for some reason, the edit button is acting as the quote button! Stop it! :slight_smile:

The best place I have found is one of two, the huge model train show up at the Dupage, Co fairground in Wheaton IL and a hobby shop in Zionsville, when he gets in collections of LGB. I got LGB 1100 curves and 1000 straights, used but darn near looking new condition wise for $50 a box(12qty) for the curves and $60 a box for straight. Thats better than new prices of roughly $7.65 to $8 a piece at the LHS here in town. I run nothing but LGB track with litttle to no issues with using track power, track has been outdoors off and on for over 8 years total. Cheers Mike

I’m truly not trying to dog pile on you Dick, you often have many good suggestions, clearly you have a good working knowledge of electronics, and many other things.

99% of the time I agree with you down to the last detail.

I’m not going to turn the knife in the wound, my suggestion is to re-read Steve’s and my posts and the whole thread, what happened and our opinion and reasoning is clear.

I erased a long explanation, and I’m even sorry to post this, but I did in the hopes (truly) that the “lesson” will be learned.

Bottom line, when you want to criticize someone, you really want your ducks in a row, and normally, what benefit is it anyway?

Now maybe I, Greg, am “the pot calling the kettle black”… sure, I have F**D up before, and will probably do it again, but I’m trying to get better!

Regards, Greg

I want to tone down my response, too. I responded to snarkiness with snarkiness, and that is something that do too often. I apologize.

Ha! I am the Admin over at, and we have the StayOn Topic Police over there too. I opt to allow off-topic rambles because it builds camaraderie and sense of community in the membership. If there are members who don’t like the banter, then just don’t reply to the banter. posts substantive questions or answers, and lay off the criping about other members enjoying the fun of being on the site!

Now, how do I get down off this soapbox?

The post by Andrew reminds me of the recent thread about railroad Police. It did cross my mind at the time that whereas many types of railroad Police were mentioned, railroad fora Police were not. (

So a balance between rabid policing and eventual thread drift seems right.

Different forums have different “norms”…

One thing that has been stated a number of times here, once the question has been answered thread drift is ok, and pretty much expected.

Makes sense to me.


And, after page three, it is required. :slight_smile:

Greg Elmassian said:

I’m truly not trying to dog pile on you Dick, you often have many good suggestions, clearly you have a good working knowledge of electronics, and many other things.

99% of the time I agree with you down to the last detail.

I’m not going to turn the knife in the wound, my suggestion is to re-read Steve’s and my posts and the whole thread, what happened and our opinion and reasoning is clear.

I erased a long explanation, and I’m even sorry to post this, but I did in the hopes (truly) that the “lesson” will be learned.

Bottom line, when you want to criticize someone, you really want your ducks in a row, and normally, what benefit is it anyway?

Now maybe I, Greg, am “the pot calling the kettle black”… sure, I have F**D up before, and will probably do it again, but I’m trying to get better!

Regards, Greg

Hey Richard F.
Don’t feel to bad… at our age our quicker oops " Ducks " Get misplaced a few time here in Sacramento. hahaha. They fly south sometime for better nesting.
Guess I need to go back and see what this post was about…
Richard you got to stop traveling and get on here more often to keep up with your ducks…Mine was rubber and sank… lol.