Large Scale Central

New Vingette

Those who have seen the T&LBRR know that there is a tunnel under the B&B along the front fence. When Paya, an Aussie Cattle Dog, came to live with us, it became obvious that she could stand on the tunnel and possibly jump over the fence. If nothing else, she would stand on the tunnel with her paws on the fence rail and terrorize anyone who came up the driveway. The tunnel had to go.

Removal of the tunnel left a cavern under the brothel, just up the hill from the B&B which will be moved to a new, proximate, location. The cavern was internally lined with mortar mix and similar-type rock.

But what to put in it???

Anyone who has seen the T&LBRR knows that I am all about doing and having things a bit out of the ordinary. I needed something that would work with the era (late 50’s), or is “timeless.”

Then like an ape with a jawbone it hit me! I’ve NEVER seen one of these on a garden railroad and ordered some scale spotlights to highlight it. Some will instantly recognize it for what it represents, while others will just be scratching their heads.

That monolith takes me on an odyssey! :wink:

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I’m from Nevada…does brothel mean the same where you are as where I am from???

Yes, and I grew up in Las Vegas and remember driving through Ash Meadows and Latrop Wells and seeing the signs. :yum:

One in particular stood out:
“Blow Horn”
“Pay $10”
“Get in Bed”

I love your monolith Todd, and was thinking that a bunch of little bones would look great around whatever ape you put there. Like, curly styrene slivers, anything. And don’t forget the (3dp?) femur or two!


Played tympani for Also Sprach Zarathustra ( or however it’s spelled). Was about the only time a kid playing a tympani would get any notice.
BTW for some of y’all knuckle staggers , that’s the trumpet and drum solo at the beginning of 2001 , a Space Odyssey movie

No apes (late 50’s), but the bones are a good idea.