Hotel/Bath House and Bakery
Been working on the structure that contains a hotel, Bakery, and a bath house, the complete complete structure can only be 6" deep from the back to the front of the side/board walk in the front.
The structure is made from precision board, with 3d printed windows and doors, still with more to do i took some pictures today.
The inside is fully detailed, because it will be at around 4ft off the ground. Because of being in a trailer it will be dark enough that lights will be required even during daylight. We will be able to turn off the lights to represent about a sun down feature. So with the structures fully lit it will allow the inside details to be appreciated.
The bakery has pies and cakes and breads, the hotel has a lamp in the back corner and a stairs and check in counter on the right. The bath house has towels and soap and perfumes.
IMG_5607 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5606 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5603 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5604 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5595 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5596 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5601 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5590 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5594 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5592 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr
IMG_5573 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr