Many people here have seen the Train Trailer that our Garden Railroad Club decided to invest into. It is for the purpose of setting up at train shows and other community functions.
My Business took a 12 foot utility trailer and built an enclosure on it and then turned it into a fully detailed train trailer.
3-4 of us that has set up several times, takes 1.5 hours to set up, a little less than an hour to take down. One of the club members that helped me do much of the work
on the clubs trailer, wanted to build one that can be set up in 20 minutes by him and his wife, or by himself.
So I designed a trailer that will set up quickly and easily.
Tom desires to run smaller trains, so this design will work great for smaller engines and shorter cars.
They desire to set up at senior homes, children hospitals, schools, church functions, and several Hobby promoting activities.
As I am writing this we about half done with the trailer, We both feel this is a very GREAT way of promoting the hobby.
I will show a few pictures of the clubs trailer, then start showing pics of Toms trailer.
OGRS Train Trailer
foot print is 15ft wide and 27 ft long, everything folds up into the trailer, the corners are stored into a large wooden box inside the trailer.
IMG_0506 by Dennis Rayon, on Flickr