Large Scale Central

New trackage on the Cat Dump Branch Line

Wow! Where to put this. I gave hints of something being created, but unlike Mr. Chandler, I guess I am unwilling to document my attempts. It is so much cleaner to show the completed project. Its not that I fail on a lot of them, its just that the projects may sit for 4 or 5 years as I try to resolve the next step. Object - create industry for exterior trackage and give purpose for trains to travel on the track. Doug Matheson has been on me to create more industry and not just have “Tourist Runs”. Cat Dump is the end of a long branch line that traces along the front of the landscaping on the front of our house and ends up running down the driveway. Very exposed trackage, but goes relatively unnoticed as it blends with the sidewalk and landscaping. Goal - create industrial trackage sidng and an ability to turn equipment around at the end of the branch, so it doesn’t have to back all the way up the line. Industrial trackage. The main object of tourism in the front yard is the “Old State Light”.

A wooden lighthouse built for me by my son, named for the road that runs in front of our house, “Old State Road”. The original road to Carlyle, the buffalo trail, that became an indian trail, that became a path and then a trail and eventually the St. Louis, Missouri to Vincennes, Indiana road that crossed the Kaskaskia River at Carlyle and created the reason this town came to be. A lighthouse in the middle of corn fields in the Midwest? Okay, go back and read the part about my son building this for me. Use a little imagination here. :wink: So trackage has been running to the “light” since before 2001 and is the major source of tourism on the KVRwy. Not many questions there. But creating industry, well the lighthouse needs supplies and “Bunker C” to keep the light burning. So off of the Cat Dump Branch Line and away from the tourist we created an industrial siding.

The rail bus checks out the new trackage at the freight dock.

You can see the tourist trackage in the upper left hand corner of this pciture. It is part of the “Northern Loop”, the powered track in our front yard.