Large Scale Central

New track for my layout

Hi, just found a page from the Decauville catalogue.

I think, the early British War Departement Railways were based on Deceauville and Pechot designs. Have Fun Juergen Zirner

Well , chaps ,
When we were examining that point set , we both commented on the fact that all track sections were curved .
However , you have now given me the perfect excuse ( if ever one was needed ) to go and re-examine the said track .
Now , at this point (hahaha!) I could say "if you wish for me to look at anything else while I’m there , please ask "
On the other hand , I could say " Don’t ask me to look at anything else just yet " thus saving up the excuses for further visits .
Decisions , decisions .

Nah , pondered long enough , ask away if you want , I shall go anyway , I do not need excuses to go watch steam in all its glory . And diesels and
petrol ( Oh , alright , GAS ) .
In the meantime , I shall post some pics of the wagons , just to show that Juergen’s pictures are right .

Juergen , another useful site , nice one .

I’d call that switch a wye, since it appears that there is no through and no diverging route, but both diverge equally from the “entrance” to the switch.

Pretty unusual for a switch to curve back in the other direction so close to the frog, but there it is.

Sort of looks like street car tracks, where you get 2 parallel tracks most of the way, and combine to one where there is a curve to another street, or a narrow spot.

Regards, Greg

Greg , one of the great things about critter guage is the quirky things they get up to . Here’s another point to consider , taken looking 180 round from the subject one . Up in the top left corner is another totally curving point , a true wye this time

PS Greg , you are quite right about the reverse curve being a bit near the first curve , it makes sense though when you see the wagons . The whole thing comes as a train set , and is so engineered as to just give clearance between wagons on adjacent tracks . That is if the tracks are laid on smooth ground . They do clout each other sometimes , as you may imagine .

Yeah, they can have all kinds of fun with short wheelbases!

Regards, Greg