Last week Dennis Cherry asked about a vendor he saw in the background of one of the pictures of the NGRC convention hall: Scaled Automation. Here is the answer.
This sytem uses battery power in the engines and WiFi for control.
I grabbed the four handouts they had at their booth and talked to them briefly. The company is out of Omaha Nebraska and is introducing a full line of plug in electronics to allow operation of engines and the complete layout from your computer.
I tried to go to their website but got a “Forbidden, You are not authorized access to this site Boomer” message. Strange that it was personalized, but I have seen that before. Rather then me trying to relay their information I have photographed the handouts and posted them below. Peruse at your own risk…and as always, if you are killed or captured LSC will disavow all knowledge of your mission.
I am an electronics caveman who barely understands Airwire. If you are foolish enough to ask me a question about this system I will give you a credible sounding but completely wrong answer.