first, i apologize for the very bad quality of the pics.
my new windows does not cooperate with my old cameras.
Edit: i made my computer an offer, it couldn’t refuse…
resulting in a little bit more recogniseable pics.
a new - old fashioned - camera i have to buy from somewhere civilized. and that takes not only money plus postage, but time… lots of time.
but these pics give you about the same impression as observing from the famous three foot distance.
talking about time: how do you think about making an order on the third and receiving the goods already on the second?
(on the second of two months later, that is)
3rd december posted in germany
12th dec sent to panama(!) a flight of about 15 hours.
on the 27th dec received in panama.
on the 11th of jan sent to paraguay a flight of about 10 hours.
on the 23rd of jan received in paraguay.
on the 2nd of feb in my local post box a 300 miles drive.
that is the pike of human civilisation. and some don’t understand, why people get nostalgic.
the pony express was quicker.
well, back to the pics.
i found some new settlers for my next layout.
those with blue marks below are not new, but known for their scale. (the lady, the union officer and the german trooper are swoppets from Hauser Elastolin (i’m not 100 percent sure, if the trooper is 1:29 or 1:30) the future bronce statue was born as a Preiser Elastolin 7th cavalry man. on the right the obligationary LGB figure in rubberscale.
to the new folks, they are all figureparts to be assembled from those oh so dangerous Kinder eggs.
numbers 1 to 4 are from the movie about the dalmatien dogs, number 5 is an italian castlelady. all save no 3 can be used as is, no 3 needs a longer skirt - wearing such a short skirt to a 4-4-0 is not fashionable.
well, Mr Baggins (6) needs some toes less and boots to fit into the wild west.
no 7! during more than two decades of searching, this is only the second donkey in 1:32 i could find!
the lady in red (8) was born as a pixie or fairie. with black hair she will be the center of attention in a mexican fiesta.
number nine… well, the Don said, “we need some muscle.” so here he is.
no 10 was bought as Morgaine la Faye. if i shorten the skirt about three or four scale(!) inches she will fit right in.
number 11 from a modern comic “misterious… something” replacing the spindly legs with a decent skirt will do it.
when i closed down the southern & gulf the construction crew quit. the whole snailgang!
so i had to hire. found a gang of four pink panthers. judging by the video clips, they should be specialists in deconstruction.
no sir, i didn’t hire that vulture!(V1) it came on its own account.
the figures did cost me an average US$ 2.00 plus 1.00 postage each.