Large Scale Central

New England Large Scale 2012

The New England Large Scale meet of 2012 will be held June 1-3. This event is based in Chelmsford MA on Friday and Saturday and around the NH and MA areas on Sunday.

This multi-day event will include an operation session on Friday, a bring your train and run social event on Saturday and a variety of Large Scale layouts open on Sunday.

The 2012 event is sponsored by the The Rusty Rails & Rotten Ties Railroad Society, the New Hampshire Garden Railroad Society, the HUB Division of the NMRA and the Seacoast division of the NMRA.

This is our 2nd year hosting this regional event and we hope you can join us for the weekend.

For more information and to register please check out the NELS2012 website

Stan and Debbie Ames

Stan and Debbie are great hosts and their railroad is nothing short of amazing. We had a chance to run on it after Bob’s TrainOps session last fall.

NELS2012 is fast approaching. We currently have over 50 signed up for Saturday’s event and so far the weather looks good. Sections of the layout will be configured for DC/DCC/RC and Live Steam with lots of layout space to run anything you wish to bring.

The white elephant table also looks to be popular this year with many bringing Large Scale equipment to sell or trade.

On Friday Evening we still have lots of room for additional people who would like to learn operations or simply wish to observe.

On Sunday there have been some layout changes.

In NH our northern most layouts John & Pemi McRae in - Moultonborough,NH: and Joe & Donna Santoro - in Wolfeboro, NH will only be open in the afternoon from 1PM till 5PM. This is to allow more time to visit some southern layouts and still have time to make it up north.

For folks in southern MA we have added a new layout Bob Farrenkoph - German Narrow Gauge Steam Railway – in Weymouth, MA. Bob will be open Sunday both morning and afternoon.

And for Large Scale Central Fans, Bob McCown’s layout will all it’s new enhancements will also be open Sunday.

Updates will continue to be posted on the NELS2012 web site.

As always if you have questions please email at [email protected]


Deb and Stan Ames

I’ll be there Saturday to cause trouble!!!
I do believe “Ask Mr. Bachmann” will be there!

Severe thunderstorms and all day rain are currently forecast in Chelmsford MA on Saturday June 2.

Because of this we are moving Saturday’s activities one week till Saturday June 9th.

Friday’s operating session on June 1st and Sunday’s layout tours on June 3rd will continue as planned.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Stan Ames

Last Friday as part of NELS2012 we held an operating and Sunday 2 of the layouts were open for viewing.

This Saturday we will host the bring your train and run event and Sunday 3 additional layout will be open.

Stan Ames