A coupla’ observations from an non expert picture taker, when it comes to model photos.
Most point and shoot cameras now days (say last 3-4 years) are pretty dang good.
Do you want to take good pictures or do you want to play with computer programs (photo shop)??
Learn your camera and how to use it, no matter which one it is.
Lighting is of great importance, learn to use the natural light for fill lighting, as well as other sources.
Always, that is always, use a tripod or other solid platform for the camera.
Depth of field-- learn to correctly set it up on your camera. It makes the difference between a nice or alright picture and an exceptional picture.
One can buy a 100$ camera or a 500$ camera or a 5000$ camera but it still wont take the picture for you. It won’t compose it, wont fill in the correct light, and it wont always auto set the depth of field that your after. One has to learn to take pictures just like learning any other skill.
Photo Shop can overcome some minor imperfections in a photo but it can’t take a poorly composed and shot picture and make it an exceptional picture.
I know some will argue some of the points I have made but that’s OK. I like trying to take pictures not spending my time “tweeking” poor attempts.
Good luck on your quest.