Large Scale Central

Need new G scale track

Have a layout to do with one circle of 4’ radius and 100’ of straight.

Best price availability in the Philadelphia Pa area?

Thanks, Tom

Nicholas Smith

Yea, I’d have to agree with Dave…and NS is probably the only Train Store left in the area.

Starr Hobby outside of Annapolis. Not in PA but not that big a distance to drive.

Trainland shows the 4’ diameter in stock at 89.99 for a case of 12 ART-30100, as well as at least three different straight lengths 1 ft, 3ft, and 5ft

Tom, did you get the track? I found a box of 8’ diam I would trade for some of that plywood benchwork you do so well!!!
jwpcfv (at)

I’d get code 250 track, cheaper and looks nicer than the big code.