Large Scale Central

National Narrow Gauge Convention 2016

I posted this in another thread because it seemed appropriate but in retrospect this new thread seems better:

I was recently made aware that the 2016 convention will be held in Augusta Maine Sep 7-10 ! This in my opinion is a fantastic choice of venue. There are 4 operating steam 2’ gauge railroads within 45 or so minutes of Augusta. Not only is this region rich in unique narrow gauge history but it is also a very geographically unique area of the country which I think would be on many people’s bucket lists. (mine & my wife’s included) Another great bonus of this location?, Well, One of our own, Eric Schade, has his great 2’ based pike there and a tour will be available! How cool.

More information can be had on the conventions site: NNGC 2016

I and my family are already making plans to be there. I sheepishly brought home the pamphlet from my EBT work weekend, and when it accidentally fell out of the pile of stuff I was carrying my wife picked it up with a very approving voice and said “oh, what’s this?” It was a very short conversation before I knew we were going. So my advice gentlemen, ask now! The ladies love remote romantic places. Hope to see some of you there.

Tempting. Should be plenty cool that far North in September. A great refresher if next summer turns out to be another warm one.

Made my hotel reservations already!

Often the hotel gets sold out REAL quick on these.

I’ve been to a few and the only one I did not enjoy half as much as the others was when I had to go round and round and round to find nearby parking. Books and kits and plans are no fun carrying long distances.

This would be fun but its basically the same time as the northern Pacific convention. And I am booked.does anyone here have anything to do with the organization? This would be a great place to get my book out there if I knew someone who would be a vendor.

Don Howard said:

Made my hotel reservations already!

Often the hotel gets sold out REAL quick on these.

I’ve been to a few and the only one I did not enjoy half as much as the others was when I had to go round and round and round to find nearby parking. Books and kits and plans are no fun carrying long distances.

Don, that’s why you need one of them 2 wheeled carts. The kind guys used to bang into my shins, and run over my toes with, at the local Greensberg shows.

Great news Don. Looking forward to seeing you There.

John, Com’on I know you want to go… Really, you owe it to your self…

If finally official for me too, Just booked the room and sent in my registration. (

Daktah John said:

Tempting. Should be plenty cool that far North in September. A great refresher if next summer turns out to be another warm one.

Daktahh, It was in the 90’s and high humidity last week in Maine.


Larry Otis said:

Daktah John said:

Tempting. Should be plenty cool that far North in September. A great refresher if next summer turns out to be another warm one.

Daktahh, It was in the 90’s and high humidity last week in Maine.


Speedo weather!

Sean McGillicuddy said:

Larry Otis said:

Daktah John said:

Tempting. Should be plenty cool that far North in September. A great refresher if next summer turns out to be another warm one.

Daktahh, It was in the 90’s and high humidity last week in Maine.


Speedo weather!

Nekkid dancing in the moonlight!

Steve, the last time I tired to do that…well, lets just say it didn’t end well.

I plan to be at the show in Augusta as part of the 7/8th scale portable layout and will host an open house on the W&Q as one of the show destinations.

Also make sure you get to the WW&F railway museum…all others are fun but this one is the best! No, Im not prejudiced( just been volunteering there for 8 years or so. The Newly Restored WW&F #9 ( former SR #5, SR&RL #6,KC #4) will be done by then and running, perhaps WW&F #10 will also be running? Scenic Maine woods and fields and freindly people.

Definitely looking forward to seeing the museum Eric. We signed up for the photo tour too. Not sure if you get to ride on that but honestly I’d be just as happy seeing it run by over and over with all of the freight cars in tow. Really looking forward to your layout too. Bringing a muffin for moose!

Too bad its the first week of school starting. I would have loved to do this.

Eric Schade said:

I plan to be at the show in Augusta as part of the 7/8th scale portable layout and will host an open house on the W&Q as one of the show destinations.

Also make sure you get to the WW&F railway museum…all others are fun but this one is the best! No, Im not prejudiced( just been volunteering there for 8 years or so. The Newly Restored WW&F #9 ( former SR #5, SR&RL #6,KC #4) will be done by then and running, perhaps WW&F #10 will also be running? Scenic Maine woods and fields and freindly people.

Looking forward to ALL that!

Last year we rode the WW&F over the weekend before Pumpkin festival in Damariscotta.

It was live steam and some kind of special weekend with hay rides. Thus the ride was shortened so we could stop at field.


Guess I need to register and sign up for stuff.

I have registered.

Taking the WW&F bus tour:-)

New start time - 08:00

I’d love to meet up with a bunch of fellow LSCers:-)

Don, PM sent.

An easy way for us all to get together is to make sure and meet at Eric’s Saturday. But of course that is several days in, so if anyone has an earlier time and destination let us know.

I’ll be there! Looking forward to exploring 2’ country.



I plan to be there as well. I look forward to seeing the WW&F again, what a great operation.

Be delighted to meet up with other large scale folks, I plan to run live steam on the G layout at the hall


Looking forward to seeing you Kevin,

It’s been a while.


It has, indeed, Tom. Bring something for me to steam, would ya? I’m not about to trust the airlines with my #12
