Haven’t read anything about it. Anyone from LSC attend?
I didn’t go…
My ladyfriend & I went arriving wed nite. Saw 8 layouts on thurs, 9 on fri, 8 on sat, 2 on sun. Also went to Paul Busse’s facility on sat & saw a LOT of real nice buildings & trestles. I had attended the Cincy convention 10 years ago and probably only 4 or 5 were on the tour this year. Memerbership is getting older. We drove & the directions given this year were the best we’ve ever received. Had no problem finding any of the homes.
My ladyfriend attended two of the clinics, found both to be very informative & helpful.
Wed & Thur we stayed at motels outside of Cincy but stayed at The Great Wolf Lodge on fri & sat to allow my grandkids to come from Indian-No-Place for a nice visit.
This was my 6th Nat’l Convention & I enjoyed it. I do think attendance was down though.
My friend Steve and I attended on the public open day Saturday. Attendance seemed light in the morning till the tour busses returned. Was next to nobody at the live steam tracks once we got there. I ran my Lady Anne for several times and my friends Lumberjack once. I picked up a LGB 3068 Rio Grande stock car in the vendor hall, then got two LGB Lake George & Boulder 2 axle cars for a real keen price for the pair in the 1 hour swap/sale tent. That was like a total feeding frenzie! Seen lots of cash swapping hands at that one, wish I had more cash on me for that one. We both had a good time, even though we didnt go on any tours this year. Cant wait for the event to return back east again in 5 or 6 years hopefully. With gas prices over $4 a gallon in Indiana and much of the great lakes area, I am sure that didnt help attendance. I did notice the average age was well past the retirement age. We sorely need more young blood in the hobby. Mike
I was there on Friday but the rain kind of washed out the tours. So I made the rounds in the venders hall and blew my wad there. Saw a lot of neat stuff to buy. LS was slow also and when I left around 4pm they where still trying to erect the Eagle wings table. Yep did notice an older generation in attendance. Looking forward to going to Tampa next year. Later RJD