Large Scale Central

Narrow Gauge 2-4-4-2, back on the front burner

First, Yes I know there weren’t any in the US. Now that we have THAT out of the way… Another thread mentioned Little River #126, aka ‘Skookum’, and her little sister #148. Those, and the Alco in New Zealand are the inspiration for the build

I decided fairly early on that this wasn’t going to be a scale model, rather a freelanced ‘might have been’. It also had to operate on R-2 curves without any fuss. (It will actually go around R-1, but doesn’t like it) My choices for power bricks were between LGB, Aristo, and HLW. I finally went with LGB for a few reasons; they disassemble easily, are fairly inexpensive used, and they run practically forever. I chose to use NOS Delton c-16 parts in the build to save time, plus they’re inexpensive. Bruce Chandler was nice enough to sell me a 2020 to get started. As soon as the box arrived I started cutting it apart… original post from something like April was here Then I got busy with other projects, and it collected dust (and spiderwebs) all summer. A few weeks ago a LGB tender showed up courtesy of Jerry McColgan, and a trailing truck came from England within days. Sounded kinda like a hint to me… First test fit shows that the Tender from a 2-4-0 is actually too large for a 2-4-4-2, strange…

Out came the saw and the tank got shortened (lowered) by 3/8". It probably needs narrowed by 1/4", too… but that sounds too much like work.

Truck sides got changed, and the bolster stabilizers and kingpins were cut down to get the body another 1/8" or so lower. Then I added some Ozark jewelry

Looks a bit more balanced now, I think.

Next I get to dis-assemble the engine to wire the lights and smoke, and fit the trailing truck and drawbar, before starting final assembly and paint. I think it looks better than the Botchmann mallet, but then I would. I’m betting it runs better, too. :wink:

Interesting project.
I have a bunch of C-16 parts I’d like to use in a bash.
I think I’ll start with something a little more simple :wink:

Ralph, Each step IS simple… there’s just a few MORE of them… The only real pain in the butt was making the compound air pump. I’m still not particularly happy with it. Guess not enough people want to update their Annies to make it commercially viable to produce one.


One cool thing is that, at 29" from the tip of the pilot to the tender coupler, it isn’t much longer than a Bug Mauler – and it has that extra bendy place in the middle. So no real clearance problems on most layouts … if I ever get the chance to go visiting.

Mik said:
... -- and it has that extra bendy place in the middle. ...
Ahh, looking up at one of first photos, there's an idea for a RR name: Bendy River Railroad Co.


Nice looking project. What is that nice looking crane sitting on your bench behind the locomotive. How about some pictures?


The crane is a kitbash project of one of those cheapy feebay things. based on an Erie gas/pneumatic on dislay at Brownsville, Pa


I started with this, a larry G-scale gen set, and a couple wood spools






I’m about half finished making the clamshell bucket.

I’m thinking maybe I should name this thing “Republic” (Only because “Congress” doesn’t sound like a proper engine name)… The entire project has been more cussing than progress, hopelessly behind schedule, waaaaaayyy over budget, and had so many revisions that I’m lucky the end result looks anything like what I originally planned… I FINALLY wired the headlight and smoke unit, and fastened the boiler to the chassis. The smokebox door got changed out because the old one was TOO old (1880s vs 1910). I couldn’t get the number plate off the new door, so the square one got stuck back in my parts bin. Maybe another day I’ll feel like drilling it out.


Poor old Fritz, he was about 1/4" too tall. So he had meatball surgery. Now he looks like a bow legged midget, but at least he gets to drive


The end is in sight! I hope…(The table has a sag, it doesn’t sit crooked)


Looks good. I really like the log loader. Its amazing wat some paint and wood could do to things. Of course other piece of logging equipment on my to do list. So much to do.

Maiden run 05-DE-09!!! It’s still not finished because I’m still waiting on a pair of injectors, but the girls insisted… Pilot wheels were a little stiff, and the new headlight bulb decided it was burnt out, but after about 5 minutes we had all that sorted out. She’s amazingly quiet, nearly perfectly silent, will creep at about 18"/minute if you want, and all that monkey motion is just a blast to watch!




Nice work Mik looks like you got a winner with that build.

Mairi says she doesn’t like it because the boiler going one way and the pilot the other on those R-2 curves “looks funny”… Sara has tried to claim it

2-1/2 hours straight of running at 1/4 throttle without any further hiccups so far. It pulls the same amperage as my 2017 with power tender (basically an identical drivetrain, just more weight and more moving parts). Later, just for giggles, we’ll probably start adding cars until it slips, stalls, or pops the drawbar out of the tender loop… or I run out of cars.

Well, the results are in.
9 freight cars 4 coaches and a caboose – which reached over 2/3 of the way around the loop – were successfully pulled with all 8 drivers slipping. The front engine set prototypically started slipping first… with 1 less coach.

Not really all that bad on freshly cleaned track with R-2 curves and no traction tires.

If I could justify the $$ for a diesel brick to make a tender booster or had wider curves I think 20-25 freight cars is probably do-able. Finding space for more weight in that skinny boiler is the real problem…

Very nice Mik, BTW, I think Precision Scale makes (or made) a cross compound pump in 1/24, it is brass and pricey so yours, which looks great, was probably better option considering the project was already over budget.