Large Scale Central

N.B.R.R v4.0

Is it done yet?

Shut Up Rooster Shawn

Shawn (napkin builder) Viggiano said:

Is it done yet?

Ya is it done yet?? :wink:


Sean McGillicuddy said:

Shawn (napkin builder) Viggiano said:

Is it done yet?

Ya is it done yet?? :wink:


Any updates? Can’t quit now !!!

Eli (Eldest in middle photo) and I worked on Sat and Finished up after church yesterday…a buddy stopped by to help up finish up…still some trim needed to complete the deal, but it was another major step as we prep for laying track!

from this (terrible MS Paint): October 29, 2013

to this…not quite so terrible

Fill-Dirt supposed to be delivered sometime this week…of course it was ‘supposed’ to be here the last 2 weeks as well…gettin’ er done!

got a Heavy Coat of Primer on this evening…now wife wants the other side built-in the same way…


Looking good Cale. After you finish the other side then it will be windows and a garage door. LOL

hope not…all I’m doing is putting lipstick on a pig


Hey Cal that pig is looking pretty good. What kind of lipstick are you using? LOL

don’t think this will be enough…it’s a least a start

so this is what it looks like when you run outta dirt…


Cale Nelson said:

so this is what it looks like when you run outta dirt…

Not to worry, there’s plenty more where that came from…:wink:

hummm…the kids use this to roll down the yard, I think I’ll reclaim and make it a pondless river thingy





Thats looking real good Cal. When do you think you’ll start laying some track. I’m sure those boys are getting anxious to start running trains on their new layout. Keep up the great work.


I need to call the Ice Berg in NC to snag the Bender from him…big event coming up 2nd week of Oct here on farm and hope to be running something by then

Nice work, Cale… It’s coming along…