OK, here is an overall view of the first completed section, around SWMBO’s koi pond. This will become a reverse loop at one end of the line. Sorry about white ballast, LGB Debbie (SWMBO) insists as it is meant to be her pond, and apparently these things are aesthetically imporant…
from the ends of the track you can see here, the line will run on raised sections across the lawn then down to the shrub plot in front of the garage, which will have another reverse loop around it, making a dog-bone continuous run.
The gaps across the paths will be spanned with LGB big girder bridges (can’t see the path in that last shot, it’s behind the edge of the pond wall). This shot shows the climb back to the junction.
closer view
this one shows the other track leading into the loop on the far side of the pond.
Now I need to get back to work to recover, 3/4 ton of stone and 1/2 ton of whitespar went into that this weekend! Aaaagh! Ordered the rest of the track I need yesterday morning, and Roundhouse called yesterday afternoon to say my Fowler’s :wub: ready - whooppeee! Neil H.