Large Scale Central

My "Dirt" has come in

Most wait for their ship to come in. This spring I’ve been waiting on dirt for phase two of my pike. A week ago 15 yards finally got here and work has commenced. I’ve made a couple of minor changes to the original phase two plan thanks to input I have received from the membership here. One major change that came about, because of the minor changes suggested, is the use of minimum 15’ diameter curves on this loop. This loop instead of being laid directly on the existing terrain has been brought up to almost level. Since these post are almost worthless without pics

Heavy red line shows changes to second line (dashed brown line)

Some of the dirt relocated around the area

First pile added to the cut area

Looking across the work area

Some of the elevation change

Crossing the first line

Finding the height for the tunnel I also got to do some planting in the cut area Thanks to Rooster donating some Hostas. Now I’ll need to get some ground cover started to retain this soil. Comments always appreciated. It’s still not too late to change.

Lookin good!

Dave Marconi said:


Now me, I like that tire swing for when the navvy work gets a little heavy. Mind you, it would have to be a pretty sturdy branch to hold me up :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks great Dave. Is that excavator yours? Nice to have heavy equipment, especially when you are talking 15 yards of material.

Chris it’s a pretty strong branch that’s attached to

Jon that belongs to the plumber across the street, but he parks it here so the free use does help. He located the piles after the initial dump, but then I had to put it where I needed it by hand

When will it be done?

Hollywooddddddddddddddddddddd!!! Nice dirt… :slight_smile:

You’ve been busy :slight_smile:
I see you’re using the “build smarter” philosophy and brought in the heavy equipment :wink:

Chris Vernell said:
Now me, I like that tire swing
No way dude ...I got dib's on the swing!

Clay and rocks? Looks like here, lol… great start!

Looking good now I know why I have been seeing big holes around the park. :slight_smile:

I got my dirt for my un-named line out of Neustadt…but much of it washed away in the great flood. But I lost dirt while many lost houses around here :frowning:

Is it done yet?

10 yards in Steve, and it looks like I might need to order 5 or 10 more :slight_smile:

Womens work!

Sunday I got the last of the 15yards placed. The weather has been helpful with rain at the right times and sun when needed. The dirt is settleing in quicker than expected and this week I’ll start tamping and roughing in the track. If all goes well I should have the second loop roughed in by next weekend, and be ready to start soldering.


NWside of 2nd loop


SWside of 2nd loop curves are 15’ diameter here.

Keep up the good work, Dave…

When will it be done?

You’re lettin the grass get a little long on my side of the Depot :wink:

I’m growing a sun screen Ralph :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :wink: