Large Scale Central

MTH F3 Fall run

Great T shirt weather on 1 Nov. So I had to run my ‘new’ MTH F3 AA units I had picked up. Got some Kadees put on it and hooked up some D&H passenger cars. They are made of wood, a modeler in Ravenna, NE made them for display in a cafe. I bought them when it closed. Had wood wheels/trucks that I replaced and Kadees with Gary Raymond ball bearing wheels with pickups. I use them when I use the Baldwin Shark I made. I plan to expand my MTH roster in the future. I see a Daylight coming my way, and some rolling stock. The F units may see some MTH Santa Fe passenger cars behind soon.

Stretches out pretty good. The cars are also 1/32nd scale. Old Great Trains trucks.

MTH trains come with great sound and smoke. Rolling stock always has metal wheels.

T shirt weather??..heck Jerry its 300 yards visibility here (UK midlands)…in fog all day!! Bit damp to say the least… (

Those wooden coaches look great…

It was 70 here in Chicago today but I had leafs to rake . Congrat’s on those neat MTH “F” units , they will be fun to run i’m sure. I like the record / playback feature with the proto system.

Nice run pics Jerry !!