After a long hot day of use, my 6200 quit. No power to track, although the AC connection still worked. Close inspection showed that the thermal circuit breaker to the variable DC was open all the time. The AC breaker worked OK, or at least, power went through it. I called around town but couldn’t find the Sylvania TCB like the originals, so I purchased re-settable circuit breakers. Temporarily I moved the working breaker to the DC side, and it works. No telling how long it will be before THAT one fails, so I bought two 3 amp re-settable breakers.
I drilled holes in the rear of the power supply above the AC an DC screw connections. Naturally I didn’t have a drill big enough for the circuit breakers. A chassis punch will work if I can find one – else I use a metal ream to make the holes about 9/16 inch. The circuit breakers will fit in the holes and then I’ll wire them into the two circuits.
I’ll take some pix when I get the holes the right size! The breakers were about $5 each. I probably could have gotten them cheaper, but not today!