Large Scale Central

Movie Test


[ youtube ] xxxxx [ /youtube ]

Pete Thornton said:


xxxxx [ /youtube ]


I still don’t get it. Isn’t there a tutorial or instruction book around here somewhere ?

I tried the process in

Pete - It’s pretty easy if you don’t over-complicate.

  1. View your video on Youtube

  2. Click on the Share link under the video.

  3. Below all the social media icons is a box with the URL highlighted

  4. Copy the highlighted URL (This one is )

  5. Paste the URL in your message between Youtube tags like the following but don’t use the spaces

EXAMPLE: [ Youtube ] [ /Youtube ]

Will produce this…


Jon Radder said:

Pete - It’s pretty easy if you don’t over-complicate.

  1. View your video on Youtube

  2. Click on the Share link under the video.

  3. Below all the social media icons is a box with the URL highlighted

  4. Copy the highlighted URL (This one is )

  5. Paste the URL in your message between Youtube tags like the following but don’t use the spaces

EXAMPLE: [ Youtube ] [ /Youtube ]

Will produce this…



That’s exactly what I was doing - I tried again in Joe’s car investment thread with a capital Y this time, and it still doesn’t work for me.

(That’s a copy of your text string from the quote above)

There’s a comment in the other thread about copying it as text, not a link. Whenever I paste it between the tags it shows as a link - yours doesn’t. How do you stop it being a link?

Aha! Got it. There’s a code on the end that, if you backspace on it, will convert the string to plain text. Let’s try another


Also uncheck the “Share with playlist starting from” box to get the short link.


As insane as it sounds I have found I CANNOT ‘copy-paste’.

I have to ‘copy’ and then edit my post in LSC by ‘hand typing’ the youtube link!

Silly huh?

Mark V said:


As insane as it sounds I have found I CANNOT ‘copy-paste’.

I have to ‘copy’ and then edit my post in LSC by ‘hand typing’ the youtube link!

Silly huh?


Sorry - I was editing while you posted. I found you can paste the link then ‘backspace’ and the hidden code goes away, making it plain text as if you typed it.

Get rid of Internet Explorer and most of your frustration will go with it :slight_smile: Glad you figured it out.

Testing, I think I got it, finally found reliable info
