I’ll see if this works to link a video on photobucket.
we’ll see.
I’ll see if this works to link a video on photobucket.
we’ll see.
Link works!
In Photobucket, there’s a “chain” symbol above the movie I looked at about the D&RGW #315 Y
It is a pull down menu.
At the bottom is a place to get a link for forums:
I’ll see if that works and then post in Dave’s 315 forum.
Nope, didn’t work with just a direct copy and paste.
Direct link to video:
Pic alone without IMG tags, but with an edit to make jpg j pg
http://i1234.photobucket.com/albums/ff403/dave2-8-0/315/th_IMG_4600_zps3b16eb3c.j pg
Actual pic from Photobucket link:
Oops, wrong part of series!
Here’s the Backing Up link:
Direct link to video:
Related pic:
I have NO idea why the pic is squeezed, but it is at least a pic!
On the N leg video link:
Using Photobucket’s embed code:
Which is probably good only for those constructing their own web pages!
Let’s see if it embeds
I did it!
Now, whazzat so hard?..
It’s frustrating for someone that can’t get it done.
Looks loke it is loosing more steam than it is using! Paul
Steam engines regularly leave the drain cocks open on start up to get the water (condensed steam) out of the cylinders until they heat up enough so they don’t condense the steam. This is a normal thing with steam engines.
Another test using Youtube’s “Old Embed Code” and nothing else. Just past the code into the message editor.