A few years back I was browsing the site here for stuff and came across a post for used motor blocks wanted. This is when I first chatted with Mik. I had checked out his web page, his layout and followed his projects as he worked on them thru posts in the forums. I thought some of the stuff at first looked pretty crazy and sometimes looked sloppy in the construction, But when he had a project finished it looked pretty awesome for some one who had a strict budget. So back to the motor blocks… I had three Aristo used blocks He offered to build me some type of “speeder” car for two of them and would send It back to me when he finished. I told him use your imagination when ya build it. This is what he sent me in return. There was no money exchanged. I have something from a fellow model train enthusiast that when you followed his projects or messaged thru here online you knew he was always giving it his best at what he loved to do and that was trains. I never got to personally meet Alan. We had talked about it, but never followed thru unfortunately. So I am reminded of him when my little inspection crew car trundles around the track, and knowing that somewhere “Mik” is playing trains and is in abetter place now… R.I.P my friend…
Hopefully you guys dont mind me sharing this…
Travis, I thank you for sharing, and I’m confident others feel the same way. This little jewel has special meaning, I’m sure, especially for you, but also for the many who appreciated Mik as a person and as a modeler. The car looks great.
That’s a great rememberance of MIK. It turned out great. Thanks for posting it. (http://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-smile.gif)
Thanks for sharing. In reading this post I remembered I too have some “things” from Mik. Many bits and pieces he always sent as a “maybe you can use these parts” with any transaction we made. I have an LGB powered tender that he had repainted and re-lettered for his oringinal Allegheny Valley RR. When it became surplus to his needs it was put up for sale and I managed to acquire it from him. As I live in Allegany, NY and travel through Allegany County NY regularly having a piece of Allegheny Valley RR (Pennsylvania) history as interpretted by Mik means something to me. Just as that neat little railbus means to you!
Some of us could gather alot about Allens personal circumstances from his posts. That he was able to carry on using only what he could scrounge or cobble together and continue to make models and build a small but very creative layout, in conditions that would have made the rest of us cry ‘uncle’ and give up, says alot about his optomistic character. We miss ya buddy.
I also have two LGB short tank cars that I had bought from him after the rialbus was built for me. I was gonna repaint them at the time ,but for some reason I never did. They are labeled A.V.R. and will stay that way…
Travis that is a cool build, great idea
As on that is new to LSC I didn’t know him, but several years back I believe I encountered him on MLS in connection to these challenges when they were there. I had come on at the tail end of one and was discussing it with someone who I think was him. I looked forward to the next one. Well life took a different turn but when I returned to large scale I knew I wanted to be a part and that led me here. Now I don’t know if it was him or if I even have my facts straight but that is what brought me here so his reach was long.
Beautiful, Buddy. Thanks for the memories.
And this folks is what it’s all about…
Thanks for posting. Those Faller “O” scale cars come up on Ebay from time to time. I now have to add this to my project list.