Large Scale Central

More Railtrucks

You may have noticed the photo I posted of my 1940s truck with the NENG Model T railtruck:

I was putting it back on the shelf when it occurred to me that it had been on the shelf for years, and I didn’t have a layout to use it on. I had a set of Slaters small wheels left over from the Model T and countless larger wheels. Could it become a railtruck?? So I turned it over and unscrewed the back and front axles, and propped it up on a regular back axle and a mockup front.

The front truck looked a bit squashed, and I vaguely remembered seeing a photo of a railcar with one pair of wheels out front. So off came the plastic bumper and with a few clips I had an elongated front truck mockup.

I couldn’t resist posing it with my Model T, and the Bachmann railtruck sitting on my other shelf. It would work better as a standard gauge truck, as the back wheels end up between the frame rails. But no reason a narrow gauge railtruck shouldn’t have outside journals on the back?

Now to figure out if I have any kind of suitable power unit. I don’t think a Faller 3V motor will do.

Nifty truck!

Jim Rowson said:

Nifty truck!

Yes, but I just remembered I haven’t upgraded my Emily to a Single yet - the kit from Smallbrook is sitting in the bon awaiting my attention. The truck will have to wait.

I had wanted a railtruck after seeing a Bachmann version at a local shop. It was priced too high and after reading online about some of the problems with this unit, I skipped it. Then I came across this LGB version and grabbed it. I had to hide the Revolution receiver inside a large crate in the truck bed and adding LEDs into the headlights and rear light made it and interesting project.

Edited in a futile attempt to learn how to insert photos here. Also how to delete those thumbnails if I do get the hang of it.

Great pictures from every one! Some very fine work.

I love the rail trucks - probably because they are just fun to bring out to whatever type of session you are running - just put them on the track and go.

Well done.


Not a rail truck, but along the same principal.

Motor is in the trailer. VW beetle is a 1:24 diecast. Aristo wheels.

Cheers, David Meashey

That’s cool, David.