Large Scale Central

More Progress on the T&CD elevated RR

More progress. All of the hardware cloth is now down. Next step is the landscape fabric and then roadbeds. Starting to look little more like a new RR now

Getting the hardware cloth down fairly level was harder than I thought! Easier part is next.




lots of work still ahead!

how many acres are you using for the layout?

About a ½ acre Korm. It’s adjacent to my original garden level layout which in part will remain also. Around a pond and terraced levels. There will be two 170’ main lines and about 100’ of sidings. Yeh, more work ahead but the hardest is done.

i envy you your background/landscape.

as the vegetation looks like a semi desert, i hope, you got a ten gallon hat… or a mexican sombrero.

Got both…for parties! We are a high desert here. About 16" of moisture a year, mostly snow and summer rain. Our grasses here are green during the cool season (March-May), and then lighten up during the warmth of summer, and then green up again Sept-Oct. keeps mowing down! The woodlands you see are comprised of Piñon pine and Cedar, height of which rarely exceeds 20’ or so. All-in-all, a pleasant environment, except for June when it can get hot. Not so many cactus, which my grandkids appreciate.

Yeah cactus is one state west …!

We got it!

I’ll enjoy watching your build.


Yep. 'Cept a a few Cholla and little prickly pear. Most are down south. We get Piñon gnats. They suck. All the hardware cloth is down, now starting on the landscape fabric. Won’t be getting back to it for a week or two. Going to the Smokys for a week. We want to see the fireflies. Miss those from my youth in St. Louis. Watch out for those bell worms…keep them fed.

that’s not much. we got about 27" per year. (but a theoretical evaporation of about 50") the nature consists of mostly thorny or poisonous plants. well som have poisonous thorns as well.

about a dozen different kinds of poisonous snakes - but that sounds worse, than it is. we have an average 5 snakebites per year for a population of about 120.000 only.

being on the down-under side, our gras is now starting to get yellow. till september or october.

they say, fireflies-counting is even mor difficult, than rivet-counting is. have fun!

Thanks Korm. That’s a lot more rain than I thought for Paraquay, wow, but high evaporation! Duck those snakes. All we have are little praire rattlers here. At higher elevation, the timber rattlers are larger and require that more attention be paid to them. The last pic for a week or two. The fireflies await. Have a good week.