Large Scale Central

More on the LGB insolvency

Hi all,

Original text from Nürnberger Zeitung, author Anja Kummerow Oct 5th 2006

[i]LGB-Insolvenz könnte zum Krimi werden[/i]

Alle fragen sich: Wo sind die Patente?

NÜRNBERG — Die Begleitumstände der Insolvenz des Nürnberger Modellbahnherstellers LGB erscheinen zunehmend dubioser.

Nicht nur, dass die Eigentümer - Wolfgang Richter, sein Sohn Rolf sowie sein Neffe Johannes - die US-Vertriebstochter ohne Rücksprache mit den Banken verkauft haben sollen. Aus Branchenkreisen verlautete auch, dass Formen und Patente der Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk OHG, so der offizielle Firmenname, in „undurchsichtige Kanäle“ verschoben worden sein sollen. „Das pfeifen schon die Spatzen von den Dächern“, sagte ein Insider. Gerade die Spritzformen wie auch die Patente „sind mit das wichtigste Kapital eines solchen Unternehmens. Da steckt viel Know how und noch mehr Geld drin“, so der Branchenkenner.

LGB hatte Mitte September Insolvenz anmelden müssen, nachdem sich das Unternehmen noch bei seiner 125-Jahr-Feier in diesem Sommer optimistisch gegeben hatte. Die Banken hatten sich, wie es heißt, mit einer mehrmonatigen Zinsstundung einverstanden erklärt. Mit dem Verkauf der US-Vertriebstochter im Sommer seien sie mit ihrer Geduld jedoch an Grenzen gestoßen. Die Familie Richter hingegen machte die Banken für die Misere mitverantwortlich. Von den Richters war bislang keine Stellungnahme zu erhalten.

Jetzt soll, wie ein anderer Branchenkenner wissen will, der Verkauf des amerikanischen Vertriebs offenbar von den Banken noch einmal unter die Lupe genommen werden. Zwar wird der Verkaufswert von 1,2 Millionen € als angemessen eingestuft. Doch ist „die LGB mit ihrer US-Tochter für Interessenten wohl wesentlich mehr wert als ohne“, heißt es. Außerdem wird über den Grund des eiligen Verkaufs in der Branche heftig spekuliert. Dabei ist auch immer wieder die Rede davon, dass die Richters, zumindest Rolf und sein Cousin Johannes, angeblich ihren Lebensmittelpunkt in die USA zu verlagern gedenken. Dort sollen sie auch bereits mehrere Immobilien besitzen, munkelt man in der Branche weiter. „Wenn dann noch die Patente und das Know how in die USA abwandern, dann ist Nürnberg endgültig fertig“, meinte der Insider.

In den vergangenen Wochen wurden auch immer wieder Vorwürfe laut, vor allem Rolf und Johannes Richter, hätten auf „sehr großem Fuß“ gelebt und sich unter anderem noch Motoryachten zugelegt. „Die Lehmänner zeigten ihren Wohlstand immer gerne“, hieß es. Andere Experten halten dagegen, dass die Rechtsform der LGB ja eine OHG ist und die Eigentümer dadurch mit ihrem Privatvermögen haften.

Außer Märklin soll auch Hornby interessiert sein

Über die Zukunft von LGB soll in diesen Tagen entschieden werden. Als Interessent wurde die britische Investorengruppe Kingsbridge gehandelt, zu der bereits Märklin gehört. Jetzt habe auch der britische Modellbahn-Hersteller Hornby Interesse bekundet, wie Volker Schmid vom Deutschen Verband der Spielwaren-Industrie sagte. „Für normale Investoren ist das Risiko zu hoch und die Rendite zu niedrig“, sagte Schmid.

In der Modellbahn-Szene hält man Kingsbridge mit Märklin für die bessere Wahl. Märklin biete Bahnen von der kleinsten Spurgröße Z bis Größe H 1 an. Die nächste Größe wäre LGB mit der Baugröße G. Damit wäre das Sortiment komplett. Hornby dagegen hat sich vor allem auf Nachbildungen alter englischer Eisenbahnen in der Spurgröße H0/00 spezialisiert. Ein Experte: „LGB passt sicher dazu, wenn man Geld übrig hat“. Während LGB noch einen Großteil der Modellbahnen hier produziert, lässt Hornby bereits fast ausschließlich in Asien fertigen. Anja Kummerow

My translation of the above; happy reading.

[i] LGB insolvency could turn into a "Who has done it?[/i]

Everyone asks: Where are the patents?

Nürnberg: The state of affairs surrounding the insolvency of model railroad producer LGB appear increasingly more


Not only did the owners - Wolfgang Richter, his son Rolf and his nephew Johannes - sell the American distribution subsidiary, apparently without informing the Banks. Industry sources also mention that Patents and moulds of Ernst Lehmann Patentwerk OHG (that’s the official company name), were transferred through “murky channels”. “The birds are singing it from the roof tops” is how one Insider put it. In particular the moulds together with the Patents “constitute in part the most important assets in this type of company. Much Know-How and even more money is tied up in the items” according to the industry specialist.

In mid-September LGB had to report insolvency, this after presenting an optimistic demeanour at the 125th celebrations. As was mentioned then the Banks had agreed to a delay on the loan-repayments covering several
months. But the sale of the US distribution company during the summer had brought that patience to a limit. The Richter family holds the banks at least partially responsible. Thus far there has been no official comment from the Richters.

According to a different industry insider the sale of the US distributor will now once again undergo closer scrutiny, despite the admittedly realistic selling price of 1.2 million Euro. “However LGB with the US distributor is of much greater value than without”, goes the saying. Apart from that there is much speculation in the industry concerning the reasons for the hasty sale. A recurring theme is the Richters, at least Rolf and Johannes, contemplating a move to the USA. According to branch insiders they apparently own various properties. “If the Patents and Know-How migrate to the US it will mean the death knell for the Nürnberg operation” mentioned the Insider.
These past weeks one could repeatedly hear the accusations that Rolf and Johannes were spendthrifts and amongst other things acquired largish power yachts. “The ‘Lehmänner’ took always delight in showing their wealth” was the comment. Other experts counter that LGB is OHG company and the owners are personally fully liable with all their personal assets.

Apart from Märklin Hornby is also showing interest.

The future of LGB will be decided in the coming days. Interest has supposedly been expressed by the British Kingsbridge investment group, who acquired Märklin not long ago. Now Hornby expressed some interest too, reported Volker Schmid from the German Toy Industry Association. “For ordinary investors the risks are too high and the returns too small.” according to Schmid.

The model railroad segment sees the Kingsbridge/Märklin solution as the better one. Märklin produces Z, HO and 1 scale. LGB would then fill the G gap in the lineup.
Hornby on the other hand specializes in the main on English Old Timer trains in the HO and OO sizes. One expert opined: “LGB would certainly be a fit, if one has the spare change”. While LGB still produces a large part of the product line in Nürnberg, Hornby produces almost exclusively in Asia.

Anja Kummerow

Isn’t it interesting that the press is catching on to things?

The first part of this has been making the rounds for a while.

As I wrote many times “It will all come out in the wash” :wink: :wink:

I have more “nuggets” to translate. Don’t change the channel.

What paper is this from? What is the source? Interesting…

“Original text from Nürnberger Zeitung”
author/reporter: Anja Kummerow


As an aside

The page with the article has a large header ad which reads “Für Schlaumeier”, that could be translated as “for the smarty pants” (OK it could also be “old foxes” , “sly dogs” “artful dodgers”)

No, I didn’t find out if that ad ties in with the content of the story, the way some of the google ads do. :wink: :slight_smile:

Question for Bob: I can’t get the italics to work i.e. there is a lead in to the title of the story in italics. But for some reason that line doesn’t show up. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

Actually, it’s there…but only the bottom half of the line.

Mr. Mueller,

what are you trying to say? On the link to the Nuernberger Zeitung of today, which I got, there
are no Schlaumeiers.

By the way, Schlaumeier translates: smart-ass or smart alec.

Juergen Zirner

Curouser and curiouser…

Found this response on another bored:

Hi Folks!

I can’t speak for Lehmann, but I have to say that discrediting this one is like shooting fish in a barrel. Just for starters:

  • Wolfgang is not an owner of Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk and has not been since 2000. (That’s a simple fact that the reporter could have verified through a number of public sources.)
  • LGB of America was not sold for 1.2 million Euros. (I should know.)
  • Neither Rolf or Johannes own a yacht … or even a rowboat. (I asked this morning.) And anyone who has seen how many hours the Richters have been spending in the factory the past year or so knows that they’re not living the high life („sehr großem Fuß“).

The article’s citing of unnamed “insiders” tells you what you need to know about its credibility. (Neither the Richters nor the trustee, Dr. Goede, were contacted by the reporter.) About the only thing the article got right is the fact that Lehmann is an “OHG”, that is, a partnership where the partners – Rolf and Johannes, in this case – are personally on the hook for everything. They’re not hiding behind some corporate shield.

In the meantime, anyone interested in reality can go to the factory in Nürnberg and watch the shipments go out, as the trustee announced today. Production has resumed in full, and while the road ahead is still going to be quite difficult, things are looking better for the folks in Nürnberg.

Dave (Buffington)"

Is somebody stirring the pot again just to see what floats to the top?

Hi Mik,

It will be too much work to translate all the pertinent libel and slander statutes in German law, so let me make this short and sweet, they are much stricter than the Northamerican ones. You can be sure that the article was run by the powers to be and has been suitably check for accuracy. That would include the sources providing the quotes.

If that report is incorrect there will be a retraction and be assured the translation of same on this forum.

BTW we know since the translation of the proclamation who the owners of record are. I could have added a translators note in that respect, but chose not to.

In the meantime we wait for what bubbles up next. :wink: :wink:

Don’t change the channel!


Mr. Mueller normally investigates on other people down to their underwear and does not hesitate to publish his finds in fori all over the world. Most fori kicked him out because of this.

Did he research about the autor of the article, Frau Anja Kummerow? For the locals over here it seems, Frau Kummerow has not done her homework researching properly. Some of her statements seem to be copied or interpreted from internet-fori speculations.

There are many articles every day in the German papers regarding EPL/LGB. Most of them seem to quote from each other. Mr. Mueller took one, without even quoting the date. So where is the news?

What is he trying to express? Any news, one can not find elsewhere ?


Juergen Zirner

Hi all,

Anja Kummerow is the business editor at the “Nürnberger Zeitung”.

Google shows samples of her work and involvement.

Zirner said:

Mr. Mueller normally investigates on other people down to their underwear and does not hesitate to publish his finds in fori all over the world. Most fori kicked him out because of this.

Did he research about the autor of the article, Frau Anja Kummerow? For the locals over here it seems, Frau Kummerow has not done her homework researching properly. Some of her statements seem to be copied or interpreted from internet-fori speculations.

There are many articles every day in the German papers regarding EPL/LGB. Most of them seem to quote from each other. Mr. Mueller took one, without even quoting the date. So where is the news?

What is he trying to express? Any news, one can not find elsewhere ?


Juergen Zirner

I find no reason for the harassment that you are continually posting on LSC. HJ translated a German newspaper article for the members of LSC that do not understand the German language. He did not write the original article, make it up or otherwise attempt to mislead anyone.

He has provided a great service for us that are interested in news of the Large Scale Hobby in Germany. You on the other hand have provided nothing of use.

Excuse me, Bob, but this guy is getting old quick.

The Lone Railroader

Hi all,

Yesterday was really super busy around here, I didn’t get around to translating this one 'til today

It is from Franken TV - I try to gather the press comments from LGB’s own area because I believe that the locals have a slightly different perspective on these matters. After all any potential job losses will be in their immediate neighbourhood, that provides for more of an appreciation.

Franken TV said:
Nürnberg Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2006 11:48

Traditionsunternehmen LGB kurz vor Ãœbernahme?

Fans von Modelleisenbahnen hatte es geschmerzt, als das Nürnberger Traditionsunternehmen LGB Mitte September Insolvenz hatte anmelden müssen (wir berichteten). Doch jetzt gibt es zwei mögliche Käufer: Märklin und Hornby, ebenfalls aus der Branche.

Das gab zumindest der Deutsche Verband der Spielwaren-Industrie gegenüber der Deutschen Presseagentur (dpa) bekannt. Nach Einschätzung von Verbandschef Volker Schmid seien Märklin und Hornby, zwei Modellbahnhersteller, am wahrscheinlichsten die Käufer des angeschlagenen Nürnberger Unternehmens.

Denn laut Schmid sei für andere Finanzinvestoren das Risiko LGB zu übernehmen viel zu hoch, die Rendite hingegen zu niedrig - weil das Produkt, die Modellbahn, einfach “zu kantig” sei, wie er in einem Gespräch mit der dpa weiter erklärte. Deswegen glaube er nicht, dass es viele Interessenten für einen Kauf des Nürnberger Traditionsunternehmens gebe, obwohl es “glänzende Produkte” herstelle.

Sowohl der Modellbahnhersteller Hornby als auch der vormals schwäbische Konzern Märklin gehören zu britischen Unternehmen. Nach Ansicht Schmids würden beide von der LGB-Übernahme profitieren, weil sie damit ihr Angebot erweitern könnten.

In der 60er Jahren hatte das Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk die Lehmann-Groß-Bahn (LGB) entwickelt und ist nach eigenen Angaben noch immer Weltmarktführer bei dieser Modellbahngröße. Als die Banken jedoch im September alle Konten sperrten, musste das Unternehmen einen Insolvenzantrag stellen. Bei den Werken in Nürnberg-Altenfurt arbeiten rund 150 Angestellte.

My translation

HJ translation said:
Franken TV NEWS Nürnberg: Wednesday, Oct 4th 2006 11:48

Imminent takeover at LGB?

Model railroad fans felt the pain when in mid-September traditionalist LGB had to file for insolvency (we reported on it). However now there are two prospective buyers: Märklin and Hornby, both coming from the same industry segment.

At least that’s what the German Toy Industry Association mentioned to the German press service (dpa). According to Volker Schmid’s assessment (executive director of the association) it is Märklin and Hornby, both manufacturers of model railroad products, who are the most likely purchasers of the stricken Nürnberger enterprise.

Because, according to Schmid, the purchase of LGB through other financial investors would present those investors with much too high a risk and too low a return - the product, model trains, is too “chippy” he explained to dpa. For that reason he doesn’t believe that there will be many interested parties for the traditional Nürnberg company, despite their production of “shiny products”.

Hornby as well as the formerly Swabian Märklin are British owned. Schmid is of the opinion that both companies would profit from a takeover of LGB, as it would allow them to expand their product lines.

Ernst Paul Lehmann Patentwerk developed the Lehmann-Gross-Bahn back in the '60s and, according to their own statements, are still the worldwide market leader in that size of trains. But in September,when the banks froze all accounts, the company had to file for insolvency. Approximately 150 people are employed at the factory in Nürnberg-Altenfurt.

JESUS people, cant you just shut the hell up and quit picking on each other? ENOUGH! Thats twice this week.

I’m getting emails from new members saying they wont be coming back because of this shit.

Zirner, enough picking on HJ.

What part of “It stops now” wasnt clear enough?

I agree, what the heck is this? Why pick on this thread Z?

Hans, thank you for taking the time to translate this stuff, it is interesting, and having some experience translating Japanese to English, I understand the effort involved in trying to maintain the nuances of the original language.

Regards, Greg