Large Scale Central

Model Rect. Co. Hand Held 1325

I recently purchased the above unit to go with my 9950. The review in GARDEN RAILWAYS states that the reviewer used a “longer” four-wire cable for a greater remote distance. This would not work for me. I called MRC and was told to use " 6 pin 6 wire straight cable-not reversed. Can some explain what is happening? The 6 wire cable is much harder to find and I wish I could use the 4 wire cable. Thanks.

Bob - these cables are commonly used on telephone systems that have more than one line - have a look at the offerings from Amazon:

Select a “straight through” cable.

There are also coiled cables


Maybe the reviewer was mistaken in saying 4 wire, or the editor “new better” and edited to 4 wire. It is 6 wire, and I bought 6 wire phone wire for another project that I am working on. I think I got it at Home Depot.

Edit because my “smart” phone cant do a good post.