Large Scale Central

Milestone! Loop complete, Loco run around twice

Had to baby it around the first time, but the loco (Bachmann 4-6-0) managed to limp around the track twice. A dogbone layout with very tight loops at either end. But it’s running. I need to close up a few gaps in the rail, level the track, and secure it so it stays clear of obstructions, but it’s a milestone!

Of course, I am feeling a little sheepish about my mere 60 feet of layout. Through a friend, we went to visit the home of Charlie Getz, NRMA president to see his magnificent layouts, and later the home of Bob Brown, who has a very nice G Gauge garden layout and a spectacular smaller gauge indoor layout upstairs.

Both gentlemen also boast simply amazing collections of rare and exquisite stock.

But I have a loop. And it’s MY loop. So here we go. Photos to come after I get the north end ballasted.

Congrats …on the completed loop!

You want pic? Here is Pic. Please note the scenic placement of the BBQ grill right in the center. It is destined to become a factory of some sort. The bench on the right is getting a curved front added so that the track is not hanging over the edge and to provide a more attractive profile. I had that half attached when the pizza guy arrived.


Way to go Michael. It only gets better from here :slight_smile:

Michael Moradzadeh said:
...And it's MY loop...
Yep! :D

Great start Michael!!

Neat idea, disguising the BBQ as an industry, perhaps a foundry
or power plant.

Keep us posted.

And it’s all down hill from here…:wink:

I like it so far. You are off to a great start.

Wonderful… Of course, the next step could be switchbacks going back up the hillside… :slight_smile:

Thanks, Andy. The plan is loops up the hillside, rather than switchbacks, at least where possible. This is consistent with a local scenic railroad that I intend to loosely mode, the Mount Tam and Muir Woods Railway, aka “The Crookedest Railroad in the World”.

Looks great!
Good read on the railway too.


Only 60’ hey its a start and it’s your RR. thats cool.
It looks like your track is silver do tell us it is stainless steel and not the bachmann starter set metal track… fingers crossed… if it is bachmann steel track you will have it rusting and very quickly it will be unusable.
I see a couple of stock cars in your future.
I think the far left of the photo is screaming for a cattle farm then on the far right you could bring the steers to the slaughter then back to the barbecue in the middle. The gas grill is what it is why not use it and put your RR to work bringing hot dogs via gondola and steaks by flatcar and of course don’t forget the Barbi Q sauces.
Happy RRing

Never feel badly about the number of feet of track. It’s not a competition on who’s got the most. All that counts is that you have fun in your hobby.

Hell, I was in 7th heaven with a little loop and 40 foot of unfinished mainline… you would be laughing at my point to point operation!


I can remember first starting out with 12’ on the floor of my game room when I first started. I would run my Connie back and forth.

My wife just thought I was crazy. But, I just like hearing the Connie make noise (Sierra sound equiped).

I’m with Greg, if its fun. To H-ell with those that say its too small.

Thanks for the happy thoughts. No, the track is aluminum, and I just spent a nice afternoon changing the split-jaw couplers to aluminum ones to reduce corrosion. We are about 90 feet from San Francisco Bay here, so there is a touch of salt in the air. Tomorrow, more gravel to level out this loop and more runs around the track. Then, outside the right-hand loop, I will start my 7% grade (same as prototype!) to start the loopy swoopy climb up the hill.

To Todd. why yes, the plan is ABSOLUTELY to ferry hot dead animals around in the gondola. In fact, a gondola was my first requested car from santa. Interestingly, a branch line off the climbing loop will take the line right by the kitchen. Where there is a dead-end dutch door that is crying to become an indoor station, do you not think?


Better check with the Land Baron on that door Michael. She may veto that, LOL. :smiley:


WHew aluminum you had me worried there for a minute Michael.
Just some thoughts:
A 7% grade is alot for our little engines to handle especially pulling freight. I found that out the hard way during phase 3 of my layout. My yard is on a natural slope. I had some big grades that I reduced down to no more than 2.5%. Some of my LGB engines still have trouble and will spin their wheels with 4 cars behind them. When I reduced the grades I was surprised how far I had to go with the track to make my line a continous loop. The engineering added hundreds of feet to the main. Maybe switch backs are a solution for your hill climb.
Have fun and Happy RRing

Well, you may be right, todd. I will test first. This is modelling a scenic railway with light loads. The freight line (if there were room for it) would not go up the hill. I’ll do switchbacks if I must, but then we are very different from the prototype and my vision. The backup plan is a hidden helix, but the space I have for that is tightly constrained, and I am not sure I have the diameter for it…