Large Scale Central

MIK's Challenge 2015 Travis D

After bashing my brain around for some time with this whimsical challenge, I believe I may have come up with a idea… I have no drawing yet, but it will have something to do with copper kettles and pipe… :slight_smile:

A giant traveling moonshine rig. Run that train down my tracks.

I was thinking TEA but MOONSHINE is just as good.

Well the crew after examining the arrival of the rail car kit, has determined the still will fit…

Plans for my “Alcohol Tender”…


I have to ask is this “Alcohol Tender” going to be used to keep the engineer going or is this for a new NHRA Drag racing category for Top Alcohol Funny Locomotive

Well The logging boys bought a used loco and converted from a wood burner… To Alcohol …I mean Oil burner :-p

Travis Dague said:

Well The logging boys bought a used loco and converted from a wood burner… To Alcohol …I mean Oil burner :-p

My logging guys are getting thirsty and talking about a change in employer. Used to be the cook who attracted guys to logging outfits…now its on the job beverages.

Doc Tom

Waiting for the glue to dry… Pics soon… :slight_smile:

Y y yy you’re done???

Nah John, just got a head start after work at 2 AM… :slight_smile:

Well this ain’t lookin good… My brain is not in whimsical mode at all… :frowning:

Don’t worry Boomer, I’m just getting off to a slow start. Working overtime this week and weekends too. Sorry to offend your crew… the “alcohol tender” will eventually be completed and into service… I like your clock work project. Looks really cool! :slight_smile:

Well my brain is vapor locked on this whimsical idea…

Todd Haskins said:

I was thinking TEA but MOONSHINE is just as good.

Oh, Todd, you’re such an innocent!

Travis, your napkin drawing bears some resemblance to my vat car of two years ago. Now I’m inspired to convert it from carrying sea monkeys to creating moonshine.

The alcohol in the alcohol tender might be for firing the still… Genius, me? Not exactly…Sealed Cheers!

I keep checking for progress.Frown

I have not done much Dave. been working six day weeks. I do have the car built and some stuff in line to use so hopefully I will make some progress this coming week or weekend… Travis

Due to work and a few other things that have come up, I will not be finishing my entry in time for the deadline. As of now I am dropping out of the build contest… I will still have the bundle of cedar strip wood for a prize to offer. I will work on my project as time allows and will post some pics when I do get it finished…

Life will do that to ya at times. But at least you’ll have it to work on as time allows.