Large Scale Central

Mik's Challenge 2015 - Aaron L

Well, had some fun this year on the build. Unfortunately life got in the way and it didnt get near as much as I would have liked, but here goes.

Thanks John, the figures were found on ebay, I will look to see if I can find a maker on them for you :smiley:

Took the crew a while to get all those boulders out of the shop, but it did finally happen, though some heavy artillery and more dynamite were needed. A rocket was finally purchased. I found a perfect piece in the candy section at the local gas station which was a crayon with soft jolly rancher candy in it. painted red and silver, made a cheap rocket solution. The rocket is powered with diesel fuel from tanks in the center of the car, which were U-25 air tanks. The rocked was stood up on one of the tanks, but this made the rocket point to high to blow up the boulders, so the second fuel stand acts as a catapult to launch the boulder in the air. An anvil dropped on the board will launch it, with this setup how could it possibly go wrong hahaha

Due to budget, or lack therof, and the fact that the yard switcher was blown to pieces, new methods of power were found to get the car to the worksite. It offers speed, and is happy with a handfull of seed rather than fuel, however whenever he is around Wile licks his chops and asks for more dynamite lol

Total cost of the build:

Wile and roadrunner figures from ebay- $12

Candy rocket- $.49

enjoying the build with friends: priceless