Large Scale Central

Miks 2017 Vic Smith Build Mik's Grove Station

Thanks guys, this is by far my best scratchbuilt structure to date. I usually have kitbashed existing building kits, but using the Lauan plywood as a building base shows alot of potential. This has been a great project for me, I’m going to be alot more confident scratch building new structures for the indoor layout, if I ever get the garage cleared out enough to work on it again.

But I already have a nice spot on the planned outdoor layout plus the all remaining outdoor buildings I already have also need a certain degree of bashing. Gonna be a busy summer.

I’m calling mine done, I finished up scenicing the diorama base and just need to take the final pics, which I can’t as it’s raining here again and I’ll need to take the final pics outside. Should get my final pics this weekend

This will be the LAST project for me for a while as we are planning a move, no not to a new house, but moving my workbench/display shelves out of the walk-in closet it currently resides in, into the back bedroom which is currently set up as a TV room, and reusing the walk-in closet as a storage closet by swapping an amour from the back bedroom into the walk in closet. It means a little less indoor display shelves for me but the ability to increase my work surface area which I desperately need! I am currently working on only a 12"W work surface BTW. The move will entail several weeks of sorting and staged moves. I’m planning to go thru my library and purge books I rarely or never look at and move several items out to the garage. Gonna be better a workspace for me in the long run. I might even revive the overhead RR.


Vic Smith said:

…I’m planning to go thru my library and purge books I rarely or never look at …


Well now Vic, when Jon Radder went through his library he sold me all his books he rarely or never looked at, I bought them and added them to my rarely and never looked at library, so that some day when I purge my library I can sell them to someone else to rarely or never look at.

I would offer to buy your books, but I still have two of your heavily-modified mining/logging locomotives that I bought off of you from ebay which I have yet to finish modifying for my railroad! I’m sure you don’t even remember them!

Can’t wait to see the final pictures of your build.

Vic Smith said:

Thanks guys, this is by far my best scratchbuilt structure to date. I usually have kitbashed existing building kits, but using the Lauan plywood as a building base shows alot of potential. This has been a great project for me, I’m going to be alot more confident scratch building new structures for the indoor layout, if I ever get the garage cleared out enough to work on it again.

That is what is so great about these build challenges they really stretch your skills and push your talents to try new things. I know all my builds have gotten better with each challenge as the years have gone by and my newly found skills have allowed me to tackle big projects that I wouldn’t have before.

You probably already know this but don’t use that luan outdoors because it will delaminate.

I like the way your little building turned out. Are there pickles in that big barrel?

Thanks guys

Thanks John, I’ll post some of the train books here first, alot of the books I’m dumping are not train related and will go directly to Salvation Army

Thanks Todd, on the Lauan, these will not be left out in the weather, I plan to get a storage locker to keep the weather sensitive buildings in when not in use.

Geez wudenya know, I’m ready to upload my final pictures and I cannot find the bloody USB cable to plug my camera into the laptop… aaarrgh

found the cord and spent the last 1/2 hour figuring out how to upload/save the pics from the Window photo library to the desktop oy vey! I hate Windows 10 but success!

Is done, pics are a little overexposed to show details in the shadows, will do a more detailed explanation in Dave’s final judging thread but I am very pleased with my little station (

Awesome Job Vic… !!

Vic I love your modeling. You make small look so good. And since I am doing small indoors this is an inspiration. I am just now looking at these little whistle stop depots and yours shows that even though they are small they can still back detail and look great.

I’d know that style anywhere…that’s a Vic Smith build!

Devon, yea, on a small building you can really back in the detail.

Vic has proven that to me time and again. If you can’t wow them with size wow them with detail.

… or come up with something that no one has seen before.

Todd Brody said:

… or come up with something that no one has seen before.

that works also.

Thanks guys. LOL I’m finished and today I found the battery Christmas lights I lost at the beginning of the challenge. Oh well