Large Scale Central

Mik's 2015 build challenge. Terry Burr

Got my kit. Thanks Dave!! I had a few ideas for building but guys snarfed them up so, hopefully I can come up with something original. I’m not the biggest fan of the whimiscal for my layout, but I’ve always liked the other stuff guys have built. So without further rambling.

The plan so far…

My completed work between regular work, online school and pinewood derby car build. Try not to be impressed.

Tsk tsk…

Kinda jumpin’ the gun aren’t we? :frowning:

Crap, yeah I did. I thought the building started today. My bad…

I throw myself to the mercy of the build gods.


That’s why I haven’t even opened the envelope yet. I don’t wanna be tempted.

I hear ya Dave. I had to go clean the shop today. tomorrow I am going to test the pin nailer on my trestle and turn. . . well anything on my lathe just to stay busy.

Thats it Terry just for that you have to be penalized. on the 14th you have to do all building with one arm tied behind your back but of course I have no say

Ya them wiff nuthin to say, be the loudest!

No harm no fowl.


Terry, Terry, Terry. Oh my… what are we to do? I know that you tend to overdo things, but did you really need to use 4 clamps, just to test fit the side rails?

Dave Taylor said:

Terry, Terry, Terry. Oh my… what are we to do? I know that you tend to overdo things, but did you really need to use 4 clamps, just to test fit the side rails?

Boy I hope not. I only have two.

Sorry, double post.

For pennance go stand in the corner and say 30 Hail Mik’s.


So, after my early start I haven’t gotten much done.But I plan to have my railroad boldly go where no man has gone before…

With my handy dandy rail bender I made these


And i dug into my box of used ties


Notice the dust and cob webs, which promptly made me sneeze and pull a muscle in my back. In all my wildest dreams I never would have thought that possible. so back up to the chair i went. More to come I hope.


Terry Burr said:

So, after my early start I haven’t gotten much done.But I plan to have my railroad boldly go where no man has gone before…

With my handy dandy rail bender I made these


And i dug into my box of used ties


Notice the dust and cob webs, which promptly made me sneeze and pull a muscle in my back. In all my wildest dreams I never would have thought that possible. so back up to the chair i went. More to come I hope.


I think I see what’s coming and it should be very interesting! I think this may be one of the most interesting and unusual build challenges ever done in large scale, or model trains of any scale for that matter.

Got this part done…


Terry. That is Amazing!!! Very nicely done.

doc tom

that’s going to be huge. You must not have any tunnels or off grade crossings. I cant wait to see it.

Or its a train with its own track, so it can go anywhere the grade allows…

Steering is going to be very interesting.

Todd, maybe the train can lean, to steer like a unicycle. :wink: