Large Scale Central

MIK 2016 Ice house & platform - John Le Forestier

Here is the official beginning of my build log.  Thanks, guys, for encouraging me to keep trying to post it!!!!

( alrighty then. I love a good mystery.

This isn’t a good one.


If it is a picture file such as a jpeg then open up your freight shed and up load the file from your computer. Once it is saved in your freight shed then open it in a web browser. For Firefox you will then right click on the file and click “copy file location” then in a reply post to your thread click on the picture symbol and where it says source past the image location. You are working with the URL not the image itself. So only copy the image location not the image itself.

now if your an IE user click on the picture and open it in a web browser. Highlight the URL and copy and then do the same thing as above by pasting the URL into the source box.

That should do it.

I tried that. No joy. I used to be able to post pictures here no probs, doing as you suggested. I’ll either mess with this some more on the weekend or drop the challenge as I have an ice house to build and life is too short… Thanks anyway, Dev.

You can do it John…just copy the location of the file and use the insert/edit picture button three buttons left of the funny eye symbol.

I want to see an ice house.

Don’t drop out. Hell, I will give you my email and you can send them to me and I will post them for you. This is supposed to be fun. don’t let the frustration of not being able to post a picture get in the way of it. I know for awhile I had a heck of a time. Switching to Firefox made life easier (not the only reason I did it, though, made school easier also), so if your not using it maybe give it a try. Otherwise send them my way and i will make it happen. I love this challenge and want everyone to participate.

Cummon John. You can do it!

Do you have an “Album” established on this site? If so, is that where you are trying to place your picture?

John Le Forestier said:

I tried that. No joy. I used to be able to post pictures here no probs, doing as you suggested. I’ll either mess with this some more on the weekend or drop the challenge as I have an ice house to build and life is too short… Thanks anyway, Dev.

I use firefox and I open the pic on one tab and the thread reply on another tab. On the open pic I right click and chose ‘Copy image location’, then on the other tab I open the mountain/sun icon and paste into the top line of the box that opens. After you enter click ok and once it shows on your page click the Enter key to advance your cusor for the next picture placement.

If you can’t get it, email them to me and I’ll post them in your build log for you.


Aw, even if you can’t post photos, do the challenge, tell us about it and let us imagine your progress! (

Or upload your pictures into the free gallery, and let us look for ourselves.

Thanks fellas, Napkin Drawing posted at last. Good luck to everyone with their builds!

Look forward to seeing your ice platform take shape, John. Glad you got that picture posting figured out. It can be a booger until you get the hang of it.

After several days of aggravation picture posting for me went back to working just like normal. Bob said he didn’t do anything so the picture dogs must have been smiling! As Eric said, we could always just imagine what you are up to!

I thought for awhile Devon would be uploading my photos but if you run into anymore challenges you can always send them to meor Devon. I buy extra space on my Freight Shed so I have plenty of room Besides, either one of us can always use an extra hobby!

Oh yeah Doug that’s just what I need, another hobby.

Devon, but, Everyone needs a hobby! (

A hobby, a hobby, not 5000 of them.

Devon, but what good is one hobby without another one, or 5, to contrast it with? Variety is the spice of life, so we need different hobbies so we can have that variety.

How is the progress John?

Your pickle car was terrific so I’m expecting your ice house to be just as detailed.

I think you may have already won for best napkin drawing crumbs and all!