Large Scale Central

Micro Fasteners

Has anyone bought anything from Micro Fasteners lately?
I sure received a major dose of sticker shock last week.
I have been running low on quite a few sizes of brass bolts, nuts washers, etc. so I put together a list and called Micro, The nice lady took my order looked up my info and said it looks like it has been a while since your last order, you know that prices have increased, well I expected that.

What I didn’t expect was the horrible price I was quoted.
For instance 00-90 X 1/2 inch hex head bolts, 25 dollars for a pack of 50 pieces and the nuts to go with, them 29 bucks for a pack of 50.
That makes those nuts 58 bucks a hundred count and that hundred wouldn’t even fill a teaspoon. The nice lady then informed me that when they ran out of the 00-90 stuff they wouldn’t be restocking because their supplier quoted them a price that they would have to ask 130 bucks a hundred for those nuts, and that is nuts.

I’m not blaming Micro Fasteners or bad mouthing them, they have to charge what they have to charge to stay in business. I just wonder when all this crazy pricing and inflated costing will come to an end.

OK, off rant and back to building.

McMaster-Carr is where I get all my fasteners.

The problem with McMaster Carr last time I looked was they didn’t have hex head miniature bolts.

I can’t find the bookmark at the moment but I recall bookmarking a similar site as micro fasteners.

I wonder if a place like Tacoma Screw would be able to supply 00-90 hex head bolts? I’ve never asked but they did have #60-80 drill bits a while back.

this is the likely manufacture of the screws, used to be able to buy at 100 count but now minimum order is 200 @.85 cents each

Al P.

Thanks for the link. But what about nuts and washers?
Nevermind, I see nuts, but not washers…

Washers are there somewhere. google J.I. Morris to get to the home page.

Al P.

I tried to purchase 00-80 hex bolts from them a few months ago and they did not have them and were not expecting them ever. Maybe they got them now, I don’t know, but I couldn’t wait anymore. I shifted to another project and will return to this one when I have finished it. has the screws I needed without that big price tag. I guess you can try them.


Time for someone here to do a group order and we can all divide it up. :wink: 4 guys would each get 50. Still doesn’t make it any cheaper per unit. lol

Those prices are a lot cheaper!