Fortunately & unfortunately I’m at the end of my roadbed construction. Some guys here do concrete road beds.
I just saw this YouTube NZ product promotion. @Neil_Wiggins might have an opinion.
Fortunately & unfortunately I’m at the end of my roadbed construction. Some guys here do concrete road beds.
I just saw this YouTube NZ product promotion. @Neil_Wiggins might have an opinion.
@Hines That concreting does make it look really easy.
@Cliff_Jennings A slow response but I figured it was easier to show you than try and explain it.
The bucket is a single piece:
The main frame, now slightly edited looks like this. The piece in the middle is a spacer that will go between the side rails, against the buffer plate and below the top plate.
Now that I’ve looked at the axles I’ve seen ways I can make those more simple too
Hmm… maybe I should work in an instruction factory
Oh, I almost forgot, for Rooster. I started collecting the star wars lego a while back but kids got expensive. Apparently now all I collect is dust
Happy railroading
Just a warning they get more expensive as they age!
Had a quick look, seems pricey at$15 per m for the former plus steel and concrete. Definitely a timesaver tho. Might be an Au version on your side of the ditch, and most likely less cost (volume and all).
In a previous life I did a trench in tamped dirt with crusher dust slurry as the roadbed. Seemed to hold up fine. YMMV…
Well, thanks to some generous donations of dirt I’ve pretty much got the first garden bed done. That’s up to the gap to the “through the wall” tunnel in the photos above. Need a good soaking rain before I finish forming it. Sigh. No rain on the horizon…
In the meantime, bolstered by my recent success drawing/printing the ore wagon, I decided to get crazy and try something to pull it. While I’m more a fan of tender locos, I decided to temper my enthusiasm and try a tank loco.
This is the beginning of my 285 class loco, built approx. 1882. These were later re-numbered as a z18. I can draw this but the mechanical is currently beyond me. I’ll cross that bridge when I get the drawings closer to finished. I figure a blunami chip with battery and speaker but that’s open to debate.
Lastly, I think I finally decided what I will call my railway. Given that the general impression in the banking sector is “Who On Earth Would Invest Seriously in Micmic Enterprise’s?” I figured I’d run with that and call it the WOE(W)ISME Railway.
Patent pending
Well, say what you will about Canberra being the (self) centre(d) of Australian politics, we are definitely a generous people.
I don’t know if it’s caught on world wide or even outside Canberra yet but we’ve setup local Facebook groups called Buy Nothing. Basically they’re organised into a couple of suburbs worth of people and everyone advertises things the can’t be bothered or can’t sell. There is no postage as everything is local.
Given I’m building my garden on a shoe string (But only if I can find that shoe string for free), it’s been great to see the donations I’ve been getting lately. In the last month my trailer (6x4) has done 1 load of rocks and 8 loads of top soil. And if that didn’t sound exhausting enough I’ve been putting it to good use.
I might actually get this almost finished this year. For the eagle eyed of you, yes, the dept of transport and planning did cut down on the size . It’s not necessarily a bad thing.
That big dark gap right in the middle of the photo on top of the red rock. I’m tempted to put a fake waterfall in there will the tail end of a tumbler flying through it…