Large Scale Central

Micmic's (Mik inspired) Build Challenge 2024

Hey Devon,

In this case these bricks are 2x15mm (Or something close) so I figured that detail wasn’t going to be huge. I started off trying to come up with something in blender but that just frustrated me. In the end, I just went simple. 4 or 5 “topographical map” type patterns repeated.

What program are you designing in? I am not sure I have the option in Fusion to add this sort of effect. I have wanted to do wood grain and the topo map idea would be the way to go. Just not sure how I could accomplish it in Fusion.


Sounds like you’re overthinking it, just like I did with going down the blender path. All I did for the above was:

  • Open sketch on side of brick/block/stone
  • Draw random naturally plausible shape
  • Extrude
  • Open sketch on top of extruded shape
  • Repeat
  • Combine when done to make copy/paste easier

This works in HO as it’s fine enough. If you wanted to make it more organic (less topographical) you could do the above and then either fillet/chamfer the edges or loft/sweep (Can never remember which one it is) the levels together.


Me over think something?!?!?! Your explanation makes perfect sense. I am pretty sure I can work something out now. Need to try it out.

When you have a train out and on the track you get a great idea of how much different it looks than on paper!

Okay I messed with Fusion and figured out how to do it and yes I was overthinking it. Now I just need to sit down an make a single board that looks good so I can then just copy and paste it. But thanks for the guidance.

Distraction finished. Not 100% sold on the colour but I’m waiting to see how it works once more scenery is in.

Only bit I’m unhappy with is in the last photo on the second plinth from the right. I’ve grabbed the wrong thing in CAD and dragged up to give me a flat surface, not cut stone. Oh well, I’m sure we can work out something to cover it.

For scale, it’s 1.5m long

You could paint that plinth concrete color and call it a repair? They did that with the Rockville bridge a few years ago after a stack train blew off the bridge and damaged the stones.

I’d not heard that. Need to go searching for pics!