Large Scale Central

Meanwhile, on Oahu, Something Faster than Trains

Came across this today on FB

Somewhere in Europe or Russia?
Thanks, David Meashey

No idea and neither did the person who posted it. However, Google image search turned up this

I had both of those (well not the camera that I remember). On the left is “Scout” which has tumble recovery. I always got mine back. On the right, under the camera, is “Big Bertha” whose parachute nearly always guaranteed the rocket would be lost :open_mouth: :roll_eyes:

I don’t even WANT to know what’s beneath those fake coal loads!!

I have launched many a model rocket off to fates unknown in the great northern forests. Others misfired in sometimes spectacular ways. Assorted younger relatives competed with each other to catch the ones that actually landed in the open.

Apparently, model rockets did not appeal to the female side of the Mueller family.


Both girls built at least one kit, but, no, it is not their “thing.” That’s OK. As for chasing down rockets, it is a blast for even this kid as well as the dozens in the park on any given Sunday!

@JRad And Jon, good eye! Big Bertha is still in production. Astron Scout is not. We hope to launch my brother’s 80-s vintage one alongside Oldest Son’s much, much more recent one at the January shoot.

But first the Mik!

Glad I stumbled onto this thread. When I was a lad I was very much into model rockets. They were cheap and fun to build and I lived across the street from a school with a huge playground where I could launch them. Seeing them on trains reminded me that I still want to build a launch car. One that is mechanized with a remote that wil raise the rocket rotate it and light the igniter. Using just a very small rocket with like a quarter or half A motor.