I’d like to join the frae and present my work to date on animating LGB’s Matra crane. About two months ago, I got the idea of motorizing the crane from a Youtube video I had seen a couple of years back. In that video, not all of the functions were animated. So I decided to give it a go. When I am finished, I hope to have the boom rotate and raise and lower. Of course the hook will operate. And the boom extension will also be animated.
The entire operation will be by remote control, using one of the inexpensive set-ups from China. Sorry about that, but the prices can’t be beat and there must be hundreds of suppliers over there, all selling the same stuff.
Now all I need is to figure out how to post photos. I followed the directions entitled,
“Picture Posting help for Rick Marty”
But when I click on the freight shed button I get a list of what appears to be names of members and other titles that look like picture titles.