This provides additional information with some instructional photos about programming these neat little track switch decoders that I’m installing in my new garden railway layout. To program each decoder’s address (Default=1), short circuit the two sets of 2-pin K1 and K2 Contacts; I then set my DCC Navigator on Locomotive Address 3, then program CV32 = x (x being the switch address to be assigned). Then de-power the decoder, remove alligator clips, re-power the decoder, and place the switch number into the Navigator, and it works.
These decoders also have a lock function available, if needed.
I’ll probably program the Automatic Opposite Direction Function on the below three-way switch for the three loco sheds I’m going to install in the rail yard: CV75 and CV76 used for using the pre-set time with range 0 – 255 (Default=0). Each unit equals .25 seconds, so a setting of 200 should equal 50 seconds.
The Massoth Manual also states that these decoders can be used to activate motorized LGB Function Cars, such as the motorized LGB 41610 Barrel Unloading Car…I recently bought one but haven’t installed the decoder yet.