Thanks for the post, Marty.
Marty and Carrie have so many other tasks getting the show ready they’ve asked me to take reservations and collecting for the banquet as in years past.
The banquet will be Saturday, September 24, 2011 somewhere around 6 pm.
Reservations are confirmed with payment.
We’ll need a firm count for the banquet by Friday noon, September 23rd.
Please make reservations by contacting me
via email [email protected]
by phone 928 778-3732 cell 520 831-3390
by mail Stan Cedarleaf
11176 E Western Sunset Drive
Dewey, AZ 86327
Tickets are $22.00 per person paid by check or cash. Make checks out to “Marty Cozad”
We can do credit card and Pay Pal Payments but because of the extra percentage charged by the CC and Pay Pal folks, each ticket will be $23.50 paid that way.
My Pay Pal account is [email protected] or we can send an invoice. When paying that way please indicate in the subject box ,“Marty’s Banquet”.
Thanks a bunch.