Why is Mark’s 3D printing forum ( in Venders and Manufacturers) private? I get this message when trying to access his forum. “Private Page You do not have permission to view this private page.”
This is not too good for his business.
Why is Mark’s 3D printing forum ( in Venders and Manufacturers) private? I get this message when trying to access his forum. “Private Page You do not have permission to view this private page.”
This is not too good for his business.
I can get there no problem… are you going via the main screen where is shows the sub forums?
perhaps you are trying a saved direct link that used to work… go in through the main forum, then navigate through the menus.
Perhaps you are not logged in? (of course seeing you post means you must be logged in)
I got the same middle finger. I wonder if Mark has pulled the plug?
are you guys both https: and not http: ?
let me try another browser…
no problem with IE https and http …
I think you guys should clear your browser cache… there’s nothing wrong I can find.
I offer the above … I just DL’d the newest Free CCleaner and ran it and still can’t open Mark’s site…
Not sure why anyone would want to go there, nothing newer than 2016. Mark seems to have moved his marketing to Facebook, which cut me out. Not to mention in times past I sent several emails requesting pricing/information that went unanswered. I assumed he didn’t need my money.
OK, here comes the weird part. I discovered that I can get Mark’s forum to display on ANY browser ( I have several) as long as I am NOT logged in to LSC. If I log in, no browser will display his forum. This is VERY strange and one for Bob to figure out. It’s above my pay grade. (https://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif)
Joe Zullo said:
OK, here comes the weird part. I discovered that I can get Mark’s forum to display on ANY browser ( I have several) as long as I am NOT logged in to LSC. If I log in, no browser will display his forum. This is VERY strange and one for Bob to figure out. It’s above my pay grade. (https://largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-frown.gif)
Very strange! I experience the same - can’t view it when logged in on Firefox, but if I go to IE and don’t log in (or log out on Firefox), I CAN view it. Above your pay grade? Way beyond my give a hoot level… (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif)
Was it left behind in the s change over? Lately that’s the only block I’ve had.
John Caughey said:
Was it left behind in the s change over? Lately that’s the only block I’ve had.
http? How To Tick-off people? How’s That Terrible Potato? I dunno. (https://www.largescalecentral.com/externals/tinymce/plugins/emoticons/img/smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif)
I saw that post. That’s why I wanted to check out his vendors forum.
when we have seen this before, it’s a certificate problem or a cache problem.
control-shift and then “r” will refresh the firefox cache… hitting reload will not always do it.
If you get stuck, then delete the certificate for LSC… also make sure your FF is up to date
If you use ccleaner, make sure your settings include clearing the browser cache… there’s a bunch of settings… on the settings for FireFox, turn on everything except cookies, saved passwords and saved forms… that will preserve your logins but clear most of the junk (except the certificates)…
Bob Cope said:
Not sure why anyone would want to go there, nothing newer than 2016. Mark seems to have moved his marketing to Facebook, which cut me out. Not to mention in times past I sent several emails requesting pricing/information that went unanswered. I assumed he didn’t need my money.
I dunno, the shark “kit” I got from Mark had several printing errors, and the design is such that once assembled, its a sealed box. That makes it a challenge to add sound, or even hook up the headlights. And since I am not a diesel person, I haven’t tried to take a peek, nor do I really have a strong desire to. Now if he would get inta printing up some steam locomotives…
was trying to access the scale caculator also a bit ago and got the cold shoulder treatment too, so not sure whats up.
Pete Lassen said:
was trying to access the scale caculator also a bit ago and got the cold shoulder treatment too, so not sure whats up.
Weird stuff. I can get to the scale calculator whether I’m logged in or not.
With my last concussion, I can not handle updating all the various websites that I was doing before. The majority of what I publish on the web is from my iphone and this sites hard to use on it
If Bob could delete that forum it would be OK with me.
If you need to contact me and are not on Facebook my email is [email protected]
David, that Damn shark kills me, but I though leaving the cab in 2 pieces from the frame would allow access to the middle of the engine for electronics. I’ll modify further kits to include a rear access also. This whole 3d printing and design thing is a learn as you go thing
What do you guys get when you click on this?
p.s. Please don’t delete it Mark, we enjoy your posts, this is just a temporary glitch for a few, it will be resolved