On my shelf and looking for a new home is an old Mamod 0-4-0, the (rare) balloon stack USA version. I purchased this in the UK on a trip in the 1970s - my first real steam engine. I added a Kingfisher (?) alcohol burner which was much better than the pellets. A few years alter I found a kit version in black that was incomplete, but it had the gauge-1 wheelsets and the other bits I needed to convert it to use on my garden railway. I changed the side tanks to black ones (which was a mistake, as the blue USA loco is worth more than this hybrid!)
It never worked afterwards - too many steam leaks from all the gaskets that are needed to mount the cylinders further out to match the g-1 wheels. SO it just needs some TLC to make it usable.
The kit still contains a spare boiler, blue side tanks, gauge-O wheels, cylinders, etc. I forget which bits are missing but they preclude making up a complete new loco. You might be able to get the missing parts from the UK then you’d have two of them!
Original boxes and instructions included. How about $150 o.b.o. and $25 for shipping in the US ?