Large Scale Central

Mallet running on the HIGH Bridge


Cool, and gives me a heart attack just looking at it. No derailments!!!


Mark V said:
Cool, and gives me a heart attack just looking at it. No derailments!!!
Wow I was thinking the same thing. I think I would set up some nets or a little fencing around the edges of that trestle. Very impressive non the less.

Very cool. How high is that?

little over 10 feet…

Just a bit scary; but looks great.

I had my live steam Shay out over the weekend and was servicing it on a raised section of roadbed. I forgot to support it while filling the gas and tumbled it off the track. It landed upside down on the slate walkway. Lucky for me it was only a 8 inch drop and no damage resulted. If it had gone off Daniel’s trestle it would be scrap brass.


That looks great. You’ll have to shoot a movie from the train!

Wow, that is your trestle Daniel?

Definately know where the nickname “highline” came from.

I built about 13-14 bridges for this layout… repair this one… tree took it out… OUCH!

Impressive bridge for sure. Nicely done!

WOW… I thought that My Mtn. was high… Lets see 10 feet scales to about 250 feet tall… Impressive…

I have some on youtube.

look up


just as spelled…