Large Scale Central

Making track

I found this on another site. I though it was good information for those that cant afford to buy track and want to try this route. Check the other links. Nice layout and creative ways of building things.

Interesting. The Aluminum bar idea for storage tracks is good, but with battery power you can use wood! I think if I were going to take the time it takes him to do all that with brass 332 (including bending his own joiners) I’d use a smaller code of rail and spikes from Llagas Creek. I hand laid about 18" of code 250 once. Never going to happen on my railroad for any great distances :o I admire Bart’s ability to hand-lay hundreds of feet of rail outdoors.

I think Korm has laid track using bar stock. Maybe he’ll chime in with some pictures.
Being in Paraguay, Korm’s access to model railroad supplies is very limited.

In my neck of the woods, I’m afraid wood ties are not a good option. Modeling indoors, as Korm does, wood ties pose no problems.

thanks for remembering, Ralph. but it was curtain rails, not bar stock.

for those interested, i got some pics on my old website:

(sorry for the pop-up. that “feature” is one of the main reasons, why i am making a new site)

Jon says - "I admire Bart’s ability to hand-lay hundreds of feet of rail outdoors. "

And then redesign and relay it again the next year. It tis a plan.

I think eventually I am going to use real wood for my ties. I really like the look and I think it will last on my layout if I use cedar and soak it good in something to help preserve it.
Using bar stock is a good idea if you really want to save money especially when you look at track prices today. Plus it really makes ones railroad unique

Look at Switch Crafters they sell Aluminum rail in code 250 and 332. I just recieved 96’ of code 332 that will make 48’ of bridge rail for another project I’m starting in a few weeks.

Thanks Chuck. I thought about useing Al. but it would never hold up on my layout between the kids, deer and bears it would get destroyed.

Hey Shawn,

I totally understand about the deer thing. We live in town next to a small mountain not like where you are. Our small town is surrounded by cities and everyone thinks they need to feed the deer that come down from the mountains. The only problem now is they don’t want to leave. As my wife says, they’re like rats and they eat everything she plants. Good luck with your venture.


Chuck Inlow said:
Hey Shawn,

I totally understand about the deer thing. We live in town next to a small mountain not like where you are. Our small town is surrounded by cities and everyone thinks they need to feed the deer that come down from the mountains. The only problem now is they don’t want to leave. As my wife says, they’re like rats and they eat everything she plants. Good luck with your venture.


Suggest to your wife to plant Deer resistant plants.
Then you could PEE around the plants that helps too.

The deer don’t mind , but the plants grow like crazy. :slight_smile:

Your funny David.

My wife works at a nursery and has planted lots of “So Called” deer resistant plants, but the deer like them better then anything else. And as far as the PEEING, I don’t want to get arrested.


I live outside of town and I can’t find deer around here anywhere. Especially during hunting season.

Come on over to my front yard, there are plenty to choose from. Here’s one now.



Chuck he is waiting for you to put out the trains so he can see them.

Chuck Inlow said:
Come on over to my front yard, there are plenty to choose from. Here’s one now.


Sooooooo, That’s what they look like. It has been so long since I saw any deer I forgot what they looked like. What country is this in? David

I hope he’s not standing on any buildings on the layout!

Shawn, . . very interesting article. Thanks for posting. Very interesting those switches that he desinged and made.