Hey whats wrong with stamp collectors?
Sorry… what’s the date?
/me looks around warily…
Ha Ha!
The Chat Server said:
Silence Johnny Chuff Chuff!!! You will obey The Great and Powerful Chat Server!!! I know where your trains are…
I’m not a philatelist, they could never proof those charges…
The Chat Server said:
Philately is to good for all of you…keep it up and I will turn you into…scrap-bookers.
You have been warned…
The Chat Server
Just make sure that you do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.
Hey whats wrong with crap-bookers?
I think we are going to the Dogs! Now I am going to start worrying about you all!!
OK, I get it now. It’s April Fool’s Day. Yukka, yukka.
Im getting a whole load of stone maybe next week, if that makes me a rock collector bring it on. you evil chat server thingy!!!
oh hold on a second, that sounds like it might hurt!!!
The chat server rules.
then keep me off the assimilated list
We’re sorry but the Assimilation has been delayed do to circumstances beyond our control.
This being April Fools Day I decided that Raven, the Husky, and I would head up the hill and frolick in the snow.
Returned after High Noon when it should have been reasonably safe … well there is no telling with real fools, is there?
The Chat Server said:
Vic Smith has been assimilated
The Hell I have…