Large Scale Central

LSC Chat Server Revolt

Hey whats wrong with stamp collectors?

Sorry… what’s the date?

/me looks around warily…

Ha Ha!

The Chat Server said:

Silence Johnny Chuff Chuff!!! You will obey The Great and Powerful Chat Server!!! I know where your trains are…


I’m not a philatelist, they could never proof those charges…

The Chat Server said:

Philately is to good for all of you…keep it up and I will turn you into…scrap-bookers.

You have been warned…

The Chat Server

Just make sure that you do it in private and wash your hands afterwards.

Hey whats wrong with crap-bookers? :wink:

I think we are going to the Dogs! Now I am going to start worrying about you all!!


OK, I get it now. It’s April Fool’s Day. Yukka, yukka.

Im getting a whole load of stone maybe next week, if that makes me a rock collector bring it on. you evil chat server thingy!!!


oh hold on a second, that sounds like it might hurt!!!

The chat server rules.:wink:

then keep me off the assimilated list

We’re sorry but the Assimilation has been delayed do to circumstances beyond our control.

This being April Fools Day I decided that Raven, the Husky, and I would head up the hill and frolick in the snow.

Returned after High Noon when it should have been reasonably safe … well there is no telling with real fools, is there?

The Chat Server said:

Vic Smith has been assimilated

The Hell I have…