Large Scale Central

LSC 17th Anniversary

Thank you Bob for a great site. If it was not for LSC I would never be where Im at today and shut up Rooster.

Can’t believe I have been a member here for almost 17 years.

Time flys when you run trains.

Joined July 2, 2000.


Dennis Cherry said:

Can’t believe I have been a member here for almost 17 years.

Time flys when you run trains.

Joined July 2, 2000.


I was poking through user statistics yesterday, and 30 of the first 200 members of LSC have been active on the site in the last 60 days. Thats a fantastic retention rate.

WOW! Congrats!!!

Yup… It’s been a good ride, Bob… We moved to Prescott in late October of 2000 and the the PCSRR was formed. Joined LSC on Christmas Day 2000.

Thanks for keeping the site a whole lot of fun, great information and “mostly” controlled. Ya’ just can’t control everyone. Not mentioning any names or anything like that. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thank you, Bob. It’s been fun reading and I’ve learned a lot the past couple of years. Here’s to many more!

and 30 of the first 200 members of LSC

I joined in August 2000, so does that make me one of them, or was I too late?

Thanks Bob!

Thank you Bob for bringing together this collection of misfits!

Even though at times it is like herding cats!

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

Steve Featherkile said:

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

I think that is a Grand Idea!!.. I would order one. Lets discuss this… Bob what do you think?

Travis Dague said:

Steve Featherkile said:

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

I think that is a Grand Idea!!.. I would order one. Lets discuss this… Bob what do you think?

I’d vote for a decal set from Stan, just so everybody gets something in their scale… Hrm…

That would be a great idea too…

Bob McCown said:

Travis Dague said:

Steve Featherkile said:

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

I think that is a Grand Idea!!.. I would order one. Lets discuss this… Bob what do you think?

I’d vote for a decal set from Stan, just so everybody gets something in their scale… Hrm…

Car # 17, of course

LSCX reporting marks. And the full color logo

Built 6/00

Contents may be hazardous or abrasive


Bob McCown said:

Bob McCown said:

Travis Dague said:

Steve Featherkile said:

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

I think that is a Grand Idea!!.. I would order one. Lets discuss this… Bob what do you think?

I’d vote for a decal set from Stan, just so everybody gets something in their scale… Hrm…

Car # 17, of course

LSCX reporting marks. And the full color logo

Built 6/00

Contents may be hazardous or abrasive


Wow… Does that give me license or what??? OR??? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Thanks for everything Bob, a nice place to be, but did you mean to turn off the emoticons? Wanted to thumbs up!


Bob McCown said:

Bob McCown said:

Travis Dague said:

Steve Featherkile said:

We should commission a commerative boxcar!

I think that is a Grand Idea!!.. I would order one. Lets discuss this… Bob what do you think?

I’d vote for a decal set from Stan, just so everybody gets something in their scale… Hrm…

Car # 17, of course

LSCX reporting marks. And the full color logo

Built 6/00

Contents may be hazardous or abrasive



I’m in for a set. 1/29 please!

So, if we can get a group of guys together which I don’t see a problem with that… :slight_smile: what would the cost be per sheet? Does it depend on how many sheets are ordered? How does that work Stan? I have never ordered or had decals made… :frowning:

Fantastic !!!

Taggin material !

I’m in and calling car #69 as preference but I’m workable

This post been edited by Rooster: