Large Scale Central

Lou's 2025 MIK Challenge

That was a MIK build of tours Lou :sunglasses:

Well, I went to work on the project and look what I found:

Our fowl feathered friend is at it again!

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Lou, I can’t make it out. What is the red thing next to the crapper?

Duh it’s the emergency stop button in case of accidentall spillage

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You will find out in the next series of pictures.
[Cue suspenseful music]

Here’s a teaser:
I am finally at the end of my 2025 MIK.

And some of you wanted to know about the mysterious red button (Don’t touch, no matter what).


Ha, Lou.

I didn’t think it was going to be a button. I thought you were leaving a stool sample outside. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A couple of questions about Lou’s Loo

  • is there another car going to be numbered #1?
  • Is this going to be a static display can you guarantee a movement?

Lous 2025 MIk - Copy


Numbered 2 for a reason. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

Thats a fun car Lou and it looks great.

Cool build, Lou. Now you need to build its companion, No. 1. Just a simple flat car with a tree will work just fine :grin:

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Just a final thought after the glamor shots. You may not believe this, but that lantern was from some kit I had as a youg’un so it has to be roughly 65 years old. And it’s still burning!

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Converted it to run on methane, did you Lou?

I found the outhouse outside, I don’t remember where I got it. Everything else was in the File Cabinet marked:

Total expenditure: ZERO

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Gosh that’s a great idea Dan. Lou, I’m tellin yous, Dan nailed it! But ok, maybe not a whole tree, but a tree stump on the same kinda flat. Or a fire hydrant? With dog? Yeah, that’s the ticket! Anyway, lettered as “LSCX 1”.


Lou your loo is just way too cool. Simple yes but funbfor sure. I love it

Have to agree with Devon, that is a lulu of a build, and I think Dan is on to something here…

Now you just might need to consider adding a movable unsecured seat (that doesn’t have any support backs or arms) for those waiting in the queue to use the tree.

I think we can all agree having a loose stool on a train would cause consternation at the best of times :crazy_face:

I always have trouble when the veterinarian asks me to bring a stool sample. I keep wanting to bring in a 1:22.5 model of a stool. Don’t think they would appreciate the humor though.

Just an evil thought, David Meashey


All I can say is, great minds think alike.

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Dibs not cleaning up the “between rails” solar panels after that things been through.