The short answer is no. Such a discount is not stated in the listing and the buyer should assume they will pay the full amount.
The long answer is E-bay sellers use one of three shipping methods. The built in shipping calculator gives each buyer a unique amount based on their zip code. The second method, used by most sellers is flat rate shipping (this is what is listed in this case). Everybody pays the same rate. Most sellers try to get it close or use the USPS flat rate shipping boxes. The last option is sellers will state a shipping charge and offer to refund any over charge. This is often in conjunction with combined shipping on multiple purchases. The final charge is normally calculated as actual shipping plus E-Bay / Pay-Pal percentage (roughly %15). These conditions will be stated in the listing or may be conveyed to a buyer through the Ask the seller a question feature.
Some of the postal charges on E-bay may seem high…and they are but not because of the sellers. Individuals selling on -line do not get large discounts like Amazon or other big retailers. They pay the public rate and then get %15 E-bay tax to boot. They also have to cover bubble wrap, boxes and insurance.
There is a lot more to the cost of shipping and how it is affecting our hobby, but I already have one foot out of the boat so I will stop here.