Large Scale Central

Looking to buy some smoke units

Hey Gents,

I know a lot of you do battery power and alot of you remove the smoke units from your trains. I’m looking
for some of the metal fan driven units from USATs. If you want to sell them give me a Jingle and i’l
put some green backs in your pockets.


One of these?



Yup thats the one, How much $

FYI nick…They’re $100 new, for both both parts.

Only 25.00 on the USATs site Larry,
Under PA-1 parts list


Nick that price does not include the regulator board which you must have to operate the smoke unit That part is anothe $20. So a total of $45 for both parts Ihave two of them $25 each plus shipping

I only need the smoke units as they will be driven from the new DCC Decoders for puffing smoke.


Nick the price is still the same as the regulator boards are useless to me.

Nick, got ur pymnt but the original email went to junk box. Sent stuff out today priority mail. Tried emailing you but everything bounces back.

Thanks Terry.

Received today Terry Thank You, That Fred you sold me works great as well. I would like another,
send me a invoice and I will PayPal you some more $ . Thank You