So anytime now I will be able to put a completed stamp on my 2-6-0 build. Some touch up paint, rear coupler pocket, and reinstalling the radio equipment (when I get it back) is all that is left. I have decided to hold off on my GP9 chop nose job and keep it as is and install R/C battery in it for now so that I have a solid locomotive to run at club meets since the 2-6-0 is somewhat fragile and don’t want to haul it everywhere I go and risk breaking it.
That leaves me wanting to start another locomotive project. Looking deep into my bucket of pipe dreams I see a few projects on the list. There is the CR&N #4 that is starting to materialize but will progress very slow. . . scratch that one off. There is the CR&N #1 and #2 but I think I am going to break down and use Bachmann Spectrum 2-6-0 for the starting point for these and I have to much other money to spend before I buy those. Other than just weird stuff I want to build that leaves the fleet for the Sinsley Mountain Logging and Mining company. I want to build two locomotives for the SML&M Co.
The back story for the railroad is it is set in the 20’s and 30’s and is a very small company owned short line that was originally built in the 1890’s and has been lovingly maintained but not really up graded. It serves a mining operation and a logging operation. The equipment is old but kept up and modified as needed. The railroad serves the companies operations and is secondary to the mining and logging. It primarily hauls logs, lumber, and mining concentrates to the docks in town and occasional odd freight back up to the operations. It does have passenger service and has a couple coaches (this makes no sense for the layout but I want passenger cars and a station).
Now tot he locomotives. Out of real life necessity these need to be small locomotives capable of looking decent on 30" diameter curves. Per Vic’s suggestion I have already horse traded (thanks David M) for one Lil Big Hauler (the yellow tendered version) as a starting point. I really love Eric Shades 2’ 1:1 projects and seem very drawn to that 0-4-4 style loco with no tender. But I do love saddle tank locos as well. Since the loco I have is not the saddle tank type and has the donor tender that can be used I think sticking to the 0-4-4 is the way to go. For the two locos I was thinking one would be more of a logging loco with a gypsy winch and that sort of thing. The other loco would be more a prime mover.
So Anyone have ideas suggestions?